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Hi  I saw where you also had family from around Ballyfinnane 

I think we have talked before on the Kerry list years ago

You mention Horan, you wrote me many times as mine went to NZ also  

I would be very pleased to hear what you have to say about those Connors in NZ

I even kept your mail because I thought there could be a conection and have tried your old email address many times

Trish in Sydney  

Thursday 25th Sep 2014, 06:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Trish

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! Do you know the username of the person you were corresponding with?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 30th Sep 2014, 12:56PM
  • Trish, was it me?



    Friday 16th Dec 2016, 07:33PM
  • Let me know if I can assist


    Genealogy Support

    Monday 19th Dec 2016, 02:55PM
  • Hi Trish, I don't believe it was me you have dealt with previously. Could have been Claire Falvey ... see above. Cheers, Leonie


    Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017, 10:25PM

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