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Catherine Peters (born 1850) married a Thomas Guilfoyle in 1872 at the Chapel Grange, Kilkenny.

Her given address at the time of her marriage was Blackstone (i think) Bridge, Kells, Kilkenny. on her marriage cert her fathers name was simply given as "- Peters", & deceased.

I am trying to trace her parents/family, hoping to hear from anyone who may have a connection with a Peters family from the same Townland/parish. 

Saturday 20th Sep 2014, 08:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Annmt
    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay n getting back to you.

    I had a look on rootsireland and there are 2 baptism records for a Catherine Peters born in 1851 and 1854. It might be a good idea to have a look. As this is a subscription site I am limited in what I can see.

    Perhaps the names of the sponsors on these records will mean something to you. Alternatively, you may be able to find them on, a free site

    Let us know what you think

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 03:36PM
  • Hi Clare thank you for the information, I have now purchased both of those Baptism records. although one of the witnesses rings a bell, i'm not 100% yet. but will keep searching. thanks again.

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 04:25PM
  • Let us know if you learn anything new!
    Best wishes
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 08:50AM
  • Hello Annmt,

    My Great grand mother's maiden name was Mary Peters. Her father being James Peters. She mairried Peter Hurley & raised a family in the Kells, Killkenny area. I just found this out, through the help of this board. Many thanks to Claire and Rodger.  I have been unable to determine her date of birth at this time. More to follow.


    Shawn Bevins 


    Friday 14th Jul 2017, 06:06PM
  • Hi Shawn:


    Many thanks for your post.  Hopefully, Anne will see this and the two of you might collaborate together on the Peters family research. 


    If you need further assistance, please let me know.

    Thank you for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out!

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 17th Jul 2017, 02:13PM

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