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I am trying to verify my great great grandfather Michael Sullivan was born in 1783 and wife Bridget Shea was born in 1788 in Tuosist, County Kerry.  According to the St. Raymond Catholic Church family sketch from Raymond, Illinois my great grandfather Patrick Sullivan was born March 17, 1836 in Kenmare, County Kerry.  The family lived 2 miles south of Kenmare in Tuosist, though someone in the family wrote Tuhinish, County Kerry in the church sketch.  Thus, I could not find Tuhinish, so I hope they just misunderstood when they wrote this in 1900.  I would love if some relative could add any information about the family.  According to the sketch Michael and Biddy (Bridget) departed London and arrived in New York on April 7, 1851 with thier 10 children.  I have copies of the manifest but it is difficult to make out the handwritting of the children's names.  They moved to up state New York and farmed near Troy, New York. Michael Sullivan died February 1857 and Bridgit died October 1884 both buried near Troy, NY'  My wife and I plan on visiting Kenmare around September 15th to the 18th, but that might be delayed due to the earth quakes in Iceland.  If the volcanoes erupt this will be the third time we had to cancel a trip to Ireland.  Let's pray a third time is a charm. 

Thank you,




Thursday 28th Aug 2014, 10:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Leo: has RC records for Co. Kerry. This is a free site provided by the irish governemnt. The Tuosist records start in 1844 so if that was there parish, it would appear that Patrick's baptismal record would not be available. Possibly you may find records for younger siblings before the family left Ireland.


    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Aug 2014, 10:55PM
  • Roger, 

    Thank you for that tip and if you have any more suggestions I appreciate your input.



    Friday 29th Aug 2014, 04:36PM
  • Unfortunately, the youngest child of Michael Sullivan and Biddy Shea, name appears to be Daniel, was born around 1842.  Thus, according to your information, there would not be any Catholic records for Tuosist before 1844.  I researched the County Kerry diocese and didn't find a record for any of the family members.  

    I think my only hope now would be a distant relative researching the Sullivan-Shea family and by chance seeing this post and then sharing information.

    Thank you,

    Leo Sullivan

    Thursday 4th Sep 2014, 11:13PM
  • Hi Leo ~ Have you had a DNA test yet?  We have a Michael Sullivan in our tree, and I can see if we are related via DNA. I did my DNA through I also had my Uncle and Aunt (age 90) tested, so we can see if there is a link through the male line as well. Jane

    Jane vB

    Thursday 26th May 2016, 10:35PM
  • Jane vB,

    Have you uploaded your DNA (and relatives DNA) to If not, I would recommend doing it. I have been in touch with many people thru that site who are researching their roots in Tuosist. We are all related to some Sullivan, and also Shea, Regan, McCarthy, Casey, Brien... This site is great for finding matches.

    Don Flinn


    Thursday 22nd Sep 2016, 09:36PM
  • Jane vB,

    Thank you for the reply and yes I have a DNA profile on


    Friday 23rd Sep 2016, 03:05AM

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