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Edmond came over from the vicinity of Brosna, KER, about the time "The Road" (a famine relief project) was put through, ca. 1847.  He was said to have married the daughter of Tim Daley, a publican in the area.  His son Daniel Edmond was said to have built the pub (now closed?) which bore his name for more than a century.

Please contact Joe O'Connell -


Wednesday 27th Aug 2014, 01:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Joe

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! I hope someone researching the family will be in touch with you. Do you already have a lot of research on this family or are you starting out on the research road?

    Let us know how you are getting on !

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 1st Sep 2014, 03:18PM
  • Dear Clare - 

       Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

       I have done a fair amount of research and have a lot of "oral" family history (actually, it was written down about 40 years ago, but was oral prior to that.)  Not all of the family traditions jibe with documentary evidence I've found. but the broad outlines seem to agree.

       Most of Edmond O'Connell's descendants ended up in the US.  While his eldest son, Daniel,remained in Ireland, all of Daniel's children came here to the US; two - the eldest son, Edmond Daniel (Ned Dan) and youngest son, Patrick - returned to Ireland.  The rest all settled in the vicinity of Washington, DC, the US capital, where quite a few descendants (more than 300 by my latest count) reside to this day.

       Unfortunately, yours is the only response I've received to date.  In addition, I'm looking into the related Lenihan and Leahy in Caherlevoy and Brosna, County Kerry, as well as the Fealy family (also found as Feeley and Phehely) in Templeglantine.


    Joe O'Connell (Seosamh)

    Washington, DC, USA


    Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 02:24PM
  • Dear Clare - 

       Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

       I have done a fair amount of research and have a lot of "oral" family history (actually, it was written down about 40 years ago, but was oral prior to that.)  Not all of the family traditions jibe with documentary evidence I've found. but the broad outlines seem to agree.

       Most of Edmond O'Connell's descendants ended up in the US.  While his eldest son, Daniel,remained in Ireland, all of Daniel's children came here to the US; two - the eldest son, Edmond Daniel (Ned Dan) and youngest son, Patrick - returned to Ireland.  The rest all settled in the vicinity of Washington, DC, the US capital, where quite a few descendants (more than 300 by my latest count) reside to this day.

       Unfortunately, yours is the only response I've received to date.  In addition, I'm looking into the related Lenihan and Leahy in Caherlevoy and Brosna, County Kerry, as well as the Fealy family (also found as Feeley and Phehely) in Templeglantine.


    Joe O'Connell (Seosamh)

    Washington, DC, USA


    Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 02:24PM
  • Hi Joe, We meet again....

    Norma Lenihan Healy

    Sunday 27th Dec 2015, 07:27PM
  • Hello, Cousin -

    I've sent you somethimg by email.

    Thursday 31st Dec 2015, 03:31AM
  • Got it Joe....Fab...   when r you in Ireland ....Where will you be staying   email me 



    Thursday 31st Dec 2015, 09:38PM
  • Fingers crossed a fellow O'Connell researcher will see this - you would be surprised at how long can pass and suddenly a connection with appear. Wishing you a Happy New Year!


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Jan 2016, 12:55PM

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