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I am Linda O'Driscoll Pearce of Louisville, Kentucky.  I am the grandaughter of Phillip Casey born around 1880 and died in 1957.  He inherited the family home that was built by my great grandfather James Casey in Lehud, Tuosist.  All of the other siblings of Philip immigrated to the United States.  My mother, Norah Casey was the third child born to Philip Casey and Johanna O'Leary Casey.  (Although baptismal certificate lists my grandmother's name as "Leary".)  My mother's brothers and sisters were: Bridget (Bridie), Margaret (Peggy), Norah, James, Mary, and Dermott.  

I believe that James Casey was Born 29/11/1850 and died  on 28/10/1914 was married to Hanora O'Shea Born: 19/8/1855 and died on 2/11/1944.  

I have Hanora's parents as Patrick O'Shea (Born 1810, Died 29/5/1884 and Margaret Comba(Born 1819, died 14/5/1897.

I have James Casy's parents as Dermott Casey Born 1830 and Julia Rymmy ( no birth or death records have been found).  

Johanna's parents were Patrick O'Leary and Mary O'Shea.  

I have visited the old homestead that is now owned by someone else.  On one of the visits I was told that we were also related to the Sullivans, but I was not able to find any information that tied us into the Sullivan family.

My cousin, Sean Gallagher, Son of Margaret Casey Gallagher had been involved in the initial research.


If anyone has any information that could help me to make all of the connections, it would be greatly appreciated.

Linda O'Driscoll Pearce


Wednesday 6th Aug 2014, 10:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Linda,

    In reading your post you refer to a Julia "Rymmy".  The name Rymmy is most likely a variation of Riney which is a very common name to that area.  There are several variations which you can search in the Kerry RC records.  Try searching by Ryny, Ryney or Riney.  The name was changed to O'Neill and Neill over time, but many families switched back.  I have some fairly extensive records for Sullivans, O'Sheas and Rineys through my own research into the Murphy/Riney family of Collorus (not far from Lehud).  I've had a good bit of success with the church records, but you'll find you have to really read them to make the connections.  I've found 2nd and 3rd cousins throughout the U.S., Ireland and England using the church records and a facebook page called "Friends of Tuosist.   When you start searching the records be fairly specific with the townland and the last name and then read the records which pop up.  That is how I found my greatgrandparents' marriage record.  There is also a page on facebook for Sullivans/O'Sullivan Genealogy.  Posting on the pages on facebook may help you.  I hope this is of some assistance.  BTW, we have Julia Ryny on our family tree but the years don't line up.  One last thing, a fellow from Kenmare (Mike Riney) is keeping a database of all of the Tuosist Rineys & O'Neills.  He may be able to help you and he is a member of the Tuosist facebook page.  Good luck!

    Marianne MacDonald

    Wednesday 6th Aug 2014, 10:51PM
  • Linda,

    I have been doing research on the Sullivan side of my family who came from Garranes in Tuosist. The is about 3 miles from Lehid (Lehud, Leheid). My GGGrandmother was Ellen Regan and I have found a connection to the Regans of Lehid, so I have done some additional research there.

    The Irish Church records show a Casey baptism in Lehid in 1850, but the 1853 Griffiths Valuation does not include any Caseys in Lehid. This would lead me to believe they left during the Potato Famine or they were living there with another family.  I have a letter written by an old man from Lehid who describes the awful conditions in Lehid in those days. It says 32 families left Lehid in one year.  If you would like to read it (and not publish it on the internet), I will send you a copy. Interestingly, the letter mentions 2 ships that took people from both sides of Kenmare Bay to America, and the says they went to Ottawa.

    If you will send me ( your email address, I will send you the letter, the 1853 Griffiths Valuation of Lehid, and also a link to a Dropbox file of all the Casey baptisms in Tuosist. You also should check the Caseys in the Lehid area in the the 1901/1911 Irish Census records.

    There are also some Casey baptisms in Lehid starting in the late 1870s. I will let you try to figure out which baptisms are in your family tree.

    Good luck with your research.

    Don Flinn




    Thursday 7th Aug 2014, 09:46PM
  • Linda,

    I looked at the Casey baptism file and found a bunch of other Casey baptisms in Canfy, Canfie, and Kanfy. No doubt the townland names are all variations of present day Canfee, which is the townland directly abutting (north of) Lehid.

    The Margaret Comba, mother of Honora O'Shea, may have actually been Mary Sullivan (Cumba). Cumba is a clan name which many people in that area added to their name. See

    The file of Casey baptisms includes many townland names in close proximity to Lehid. these include Caufie (Canfy, Canfie, and Kanfy), Drombohily, Ardea, Clonee, COORNAGUILLAGH.  

    Don Flinn



    Friday 8th Aug 2014, 06:47PM
  • Hi Don,

    Do you have any info on Julia Ryny?  My family is Riney from Collorus.  My great-greatgrandmother was Julia Riney (nee Sullivan Sounish) born in 1821. 

    Friday 8th Aug 2014, 08:51PM
  • Marianne,

    I have no specific info on Julia Riney, but have set up a file of Ryny in Tuosist on Dropbox.Here is the link:  If you have any problem viewing the file, let me know.

    The link to the Casey in Tuosist file is:



    Friday 8th Aug 2014, 10:22PM
  • Thank you, Don!  This is invaluable as I can know look off-line while I'm searching family trees and inputting online.  My grandmother and some of her siblings are on it as is my greatgrandparents and several relatives.  Cheers!

    Friday 8th Aug 2014, 11:22PM
  • Marianne,

    I have re-sorted Ryny in Tuosist in order to bring the families together better. They are sorted by Father and then Mother. I think this is easier to use than the previous version.

    It looks to me like you, Linda, and I are products of the same neighborhood. My Sullivan/Shea line has other names including Regan, Brien, and Harrington, with mention in writing to Hartnett, Green, and Russell. You can see some of these names in the Ryny and Casey files.

    I have done both my Y-DNA (male line) and mtDNA (female line) analyses on My mtDNA goes back to Mary O'Brien born about 1800 in Tuosist. So if anyone has a connection to O'Briens, Regans, Sullivans, or Sheas from this area, I'd be interested in seeing if there is a tie-in.

    Have you used the Griffith's Valuation and 1901/1911 Irish Census in your research? Also you might be interested in the Potato Famine letter I mentioned to Linda.



    Saturday 9th Aug 2014, 02:34PM
  • Hi Don,

    I was going over the original file you sent me last night and finding several links to names given me by different folks from the Friends of Tuosist page.  Is the file you speak about here the same one as you sent me?  I will be staying in Tuosist when I'm over in October and I'm going to be looking for some death records of Murphy greataunts and greatuncles.  Do you know if I can do that in Killarney? 

    I am planning to do the DNA testing and I'm gald to see what test you used as I have been trying to decide what kit to order.  I have used the Griffith's and both of the census' mentioned.  I found my Murphy family very easily on both census'.  I was not able to find a related Murphy in the Griffith's but I may need to dig deeper.  I did find the house that they lived in during the 1800's. 

    Most of my family stayed in the area during the famine, according to family stories.  I actually have baptismal records for several folks born during the famine years.  But I will go back and read the letter.  If you have any info on Collorus Murphy's that you can share I'd be so happy to have it.  Thanks a million!


    Saturday 9th Aug 2014, 03:46PM
  • Marianne,

    Yes, the Ryny in Tuosist file is the same one. I just re-sorted it to put families together.

    The site says that the Kerry center is not functioning now.

    Here is a Murphy in tuosist file. Although there are several Colleras Murphy records, there may be more kin in adjoining townlands. Use Google maps to see them by searching for Collorus Kerry Ireland.



    Sunday 10th Aug 2014, 05:24PM



    I'm searching for the parents of Margaret casey born 1810

    Killashee, Longford, Ireland -- married to John shanley.. 




    Monday 27th Apr 2015, 03:06AM
  • I am the great grandaughter of Eugene Casey and Kate (nee Sullivan) probably born in the 1940's/1950's who I also believe lived in Lehid, Tuosist in Kenmare, County Kerry and got married in Dawros Chapel in 1883 - I am thinking that there is a connection with our families but can't work it out yet. Any ideas? Ann


    Friday 30th Jul 2021, 05:01PM

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