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1911 census

~~Boylan, Mary, d. 27 May 1946, Daughter in law of John and Kate, Rahard.

~~Boylan, Con, d 20 May 1914, s/o John and Kate.

~~Boylan, Kate, d. 11 Mar 1919, w/o John, Rahard.

an information on the boylan family

marriage or death



Saturday 2nd Aug 2014, 09:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear boylan

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Have you already looked at (a free site) or (a pay site) for information about the family? The latter site has a baptism for a Patrick Boylan in Co. Meath in 1898. As this is a subscription site, I am limited in what I can see. The family are listed in 1901, you could use the names not listed in 1911 to search the above sites…

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Aug 2014, 12:11PM

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