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Looking for information on Patrick and Rose McCarron (McKenna). Both were born circa 1804 and raised children in or around Errigal Trough. One of their sons was Patrick McCarron (born circa 1827), who married a Mary McMahon from Donagh.


          Seamus.  (


Saturday 2nd Aug 2014, 11:06AM

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  • Seamus:

    The 1826 Tithe listings for Co. Monaghan show a large number of McCarron records in the parish of Errigal Trough including at least two Patricks. NOTE the parish was misspelled in the Tithes so search for all McCarron records in Co. Monaghan and then flip to the Ennigal(sp) Trough records. Ironically when I went to the 1861 Griffiths data for the parish, the name McCarron is not there but there are a great number of McCarn records so somehow the name was changed probably by the Griffiths survey takers. 

    The RC records for the parish don't begin until 1835 too late for Patrick, Rose and young Patrick.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 2nd Aug 2014, 02:05PM

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