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To Tom Hussey,

Hi Tom,

Thanks so much for your help the images you emailed were fantastic.

I have attached a spreadsheet which contains all the data I have been able to collect so far (including your information) - a whole family research effort from the Australian side.

I have images of headstones for Patrick Bridget and Michael who were buried in Nowra, NSW - so you can see the end of the line, so to speak.

As mentioned earlier, I and my wife Cherie will be in Cahir from 25 - 26/8/2014, staying at Kilmaneen Farm House Clonmel.

e will go to the parishe of Ballylooby and other areas - we can stay longer depending on what we find.

We would really like to meet you, if possible - maybe in Cahir for a tea or coffee.

The spreadsheet attached has 3 worksheets which provide various parts of the whole record.

I hope to catch-up with you to share a story or two and to thank you personally for all your research work.

Thanks once again




Friday 18th Jul 2014, 12:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Dan

    I will pass this page's link to Tom so that he knows it's here

    Hope you are looking forward to your trip

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 01:58PM
  • Thanks Tom, appreciate it!

    All the best


    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 9th Jun 2016, 07:35AM

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