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Hi, I'm trying to trace my Irish great great grand parents.  Edward Dalton was born about 1836 and his wife Margaret Organ was born in 1837.  They moved to Wales in about 1860.  Before they moved they had one daughter named Hannah who was born in Ireland in 1859.  The UK census shows the family came from County Tipperary but I have been unable so far to trace them in Irish records. The family went on to have a further 6 children who were all born in Wales.  Edward Dalton died in Glamorgan Wales in 1907 and Margaret died in 1891.

I did wonder if Margaret came from Carrick On Suir as there seem to be many people with the surname Organ there but I have no evidence of this.

I would appreciate any help in tracing them.

Thank you


Monday 30th Jun 2014, 07:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear casrosa

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    I had a look on but there is not baptism record for a Hannah born to a father Edward. Neither is there a marriage record for Edward and Margaret that I can see. It may that they were married in a place and at a time that predates the parish records. 

    There are 12 matches for baptism records for an Edward Dalton on that site between 1830 and 1840. It would be difficult to say though, which of these, if any are our ancestors, without that is, a parent name or parish to narrow the focus. However there is only one Edward Dalton listed in Griffith's Valuation (1847-1864):…

    There are also a few Organ entires for Co. Tipperary:…

    You can see from the link below, the dispersion of the Organ name in 19th Century Ireland:…;

    Unfortunately this doesn?t give you anything definitive but may provide you with information that you can verify at a later date if further records are made available in the future. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 



    Wednesday 2nd Jul 2014, 01:53PM
  • Thanks Clare

    I have had difficulty tracing the family.  The only information I have is their names.  I managed to get Margaret's name from my great grandmothers birth certificate.  Margaret signed the certificate with an "x" so obviously was unable to read or write.  The registrar has written Organ as her maiden name but I wonder if it was something similar - perhaps Horgan which seems a more common name.  As place of birth of Edward Dalton the registrar has written County Tipery which I have assumed is County Tipperary.  As mentioned before they moved to Wales presumably for work.  I wonder if many families made that move at that time and why South Wales?


    Regards, Neil


    Wednesday 2nd Jul 2014, 06:26PM
  • Dear Neil

    In relation to your ancestors move to Wales, one of the major considerations for those departing was the possibility of finding work, the closest port and/or proximity to home.  While it might be a generalisation, people leaving Munster would rarely have considered going to Scotland, while those leaving Derry for example, would rarely have considered going to Wales, they would be more likely to think about the west coast of Scotland. 

    It is interesting that you bring up the Organ-Horgan variation as this is what I thought when I saw the name. There are/were Organs in the country so I wouldn?t rule it out. Most sites will cater for this variation but at the same time you should consider it a surname in its own right.  

    Let us know if you learn anything more

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 4th Jul 2014, 09:43AM
  • Hi, I am trying to re-visit my Irish great, great, great grandparents Edmond or Edmund Dalton and Margaret Organ, who I now believe were married in Cashel Roman Catholic church on the 12th September 1858. I don't know which RC church in Cashel, if there is more than one.  I think Edmund's parents may have been William Dalton and Mary Daly and Margaret's parents may have been John Organ and Judith Pyne but have not been able to prove this one way or another. They had a daughter Johanna or Hannah born about 1860 who was born in Ireland before the family moved to South Wales, near Cardiff. I have been unable to trace any birth or baptismal records for Johanna.  I was hoping to visit Cashel this year to see if I could find out any more of my Irish ancestry but due to ill health I have had to postpone my visit.

    I was wondering if any more research could be done to try and trace them.

    Thank you for any help you might give me.



    Tuesday 11th Jul 2023, 06:52PM

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