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Hello ,

I'm researching the following family. Sorry if this is the wrong Parish.

John O'Grady b. 1836  and Bridget Walsh b. 1841 (DOBs estimated from 1901 census , both resident in Lackamore with daughter Catherine Hayes)

There is a record of a marriage at Cappamore Church 19 April 1857 , his address is given as Lackabeg , hers as Bilboa.

Through and roots Ireland the following children have been confirmed. Other details have been given by family members/friends.

Tom b. 1858 (lived on farm in Lackamore area)
Ellen b.1860 Married Terry Deere, Pittsburgh USA
Catherine b. 1861 Married Jack Hayes , Beutte USA?
Margaret b.1863 MArried Donovan , Emigrated to Perth Australia
Walter b. 1866 MArried Nora Gleeson (3 sons , 2 daughters)
Mary (Mollie) b.1867 d 1954 . Married Ned Ryan (Dubh). One daughter Bridget , my grandmother.Lived in Newport.
Patrick b. 1869 MArried Mary Anne Gleeson
William b 1871 Lived in Doon
James b. 1873 Died in San Francisco
John(JAck) b.1874 MArried Cissie McCarthy
Nonie b.1877 Married Clifford

Ifyou have any information regarding John or Bridget or any of thse people please contact me at

Tom Ryan

Tom Ryan

Friday 27th Jun 2014, 03:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Tom

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    As you say, there is a marriage record for a John O?Grady in 1857 in Co. Limerick on rootsireland. Did you have a look at this? At the very least the fathers? names should be recorded.  I had a quick look and there are 25 John O?Grady baptisms in Co. Tipperary between 1830 and 1840. If you have a father?s first name it should narrow it down, depending of course on the parish records available.  Records for the RC Parish of Doon and Castletown begin in 1824 for baptisms and 1839 for marriages so you may be lucky enough to find John's baptism record. You can search for Bridget's using that site too.

    There are a couple of John O?Grady entries on Griffith?s Valuation (1847-1864) but none in Doon. You could use the link below to check off which parishes on the Griffith?s are near Doon as a means of gathering information that perhaps in the future can be verified:…

    Let us know how you are getting on 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 2nd Jul 2014, 10:54AM
  • Dear Tom

    One thing to remember is that as the majority of people couldn?t read or write and didn?t celebrate birthdays as we do now, they wouldn?t have known their true ages. There are many cases in the 1901 and 1911 Census were what should be a 10 year gap has become a 6 year or 12 year difference. My great-uncle was a priest and a very learned man and he insisted that he had 2 birth dates!

    Try not to fall into a trap of matching names because they are there. In cases like this the best course of action is to gather as much information as you can in the hope that at some point in the future a real connection can be made. There are new records being released online all the time. As an aside, have you had a look on at the Morpeth Roll? It might be a long shot, but there are 160,000 names on there

    Let us know if you learn anything new

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 4th Jul 2014, 09:16AM
  • Hi Clare ,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    Regarding the marriage between John and Bridget, Neither of the fathers names are listed on the rootsireland record. The witnesses are listed as a Patrick and a James Walsh.

    It gets a little murky now.

    In the Griffiths Evaluation in Lackabeg an Ellen O'Grady is listed.This could be Johns mother (same townsland) .Now we've been told that there was a relationship of somekind with the O'Gradys of Castlegarde.interestingly the landlord is HM O'Grady .

    I've been unable to find a birth or baptism cert for a John O'grady , whose mother was Ellen McCarthy in the 1830-40. years. I did find a William born in 1843 whose parents were Ellen mcCarthy and Walter O'Grady.

     I really appreciate your help todate.


    Tom Ryan

    Sydney , Australia.



    Tom Ryan

    Monday 25th Aug 2014, 01:13AM
  • Tom,  If you will go to a search engine (Google etc) and search "Castlegarde O'Grady" you will find many enlightening pages.

    Also, go to and look up "Cappamore, a Parish History" and "Dun Bleisce - A History" to see if either of these books is held at a library near you.  If not, check with your local library to see if they can get it on inter-library loan for you.  Both books were published in the early 90s so they are unlikly to be available to buy.  If reprinted, snap them up.  So much information. Many townlands now in Cappamore parish (including Bilboa and Lackabeg) wers in Doon parish at the time of your ancestors' emigration, which is why you will be interested in that book.  There is also a website that will interest you:

    Ann Lamb

    Ann Lamb

    Friday 2nd Oct 2015, 06:53PM
  • Tom. Have you had answers to your questions. I see this is an old Thread but you may have received the answers that you need. If not then please get in touch.

    Mary O'Grady Minihane


    mary minihane

    Thursday 12th Sep 2019, 05:38PM
  • I have read this again and see that Tom Ryan has been in touch.

    mary minihane

    Thursday 12th Sep 2019, 05:39PM

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