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MY SISTER AND I ARE IRELAND BOUND in July 2014, only 3 weeks from this posting, We have found our Co. Westmeath relations. Hurray! But STILL seek our Co Clare relations after searching for 20 years and even working with Clare Heritage Center and Kathleen Flynn, a good genealogist. Patrick Farrell was born in 1854 in County Clare (per dc) to John and Catherine Farrell (maiden name unkown). A William J. Farrell may have been a sibling of Pat's.  Pat emigrated probably in 1874, and we think his parents may have come to USA too, maybe separately. Margaret Kennelly was born in 1858 in Co. Clare or Co. Limerick to Edward Kennelly and Bridget Connors. Spelling of names is certain. The two married in Detroit Michigan in 1885. He was a blacksmith and a guard at Detroit House of Corrections, and did other things too. Patrick Farrell died in Detroit in 1924. Margaret Farrell died in 1903 in Pittsburgh, PA. They lived in Detroit, St. Paul, and Pittsburgh, and after Margaret's death, Patrick returned to Detroit, until his death in 1924. Our facts are very tight, but we cannot locate the parish!


According to Griffith's Valuation, East Clare had many many Farrells in the mid 1800s. So Patrick may hail from East Clare. But no records found by either the heritage center or the genealogist of anyone being born to a Catherine and John Farrell around that time. Griffith's Valuation for Kilfarboy (not East Clare) shows both a John Farrell and Edward Kennelly as tenant farmers.

We plan to head to Ennis for part of our trip. We are willing to go to any parish in any part of Clare to find a trace of these families. Having tasted victory in one branch of our Irish roots, we hope for the same for the Farrell and Kennely branches!  Suggestions?


Ellen Sward of Sacramento CA  at

Wednesday 25th Jun 2014, 11:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Ellen

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    As another angle (and I admit a little late now if you plan to be in Ireland within the next 3 weeks) but have you thought of contacting the Farrell entries listed on the online phone book as well as writing to the Clare Champion, the local newspaper?

    Phone Book:

    Clare Champion:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 03:29PM
  • Hello Ellen
    Greetings from New Zealand. My Great Grandmother was Annie Farrell, she was born in Limerick 1856, she arrived in NZ in 1874. Her parents were John and Catherine Farrell(I believe Catherine was born in Roscommon) I have book inscribed by Catherine to my Grandmother.
    John enlisted in the Irish Constabulary in 1845 aged 19. He was unmarried. Many years ago my mother told me that there were siblings that went to America. John and Catherine were registered as living in Derry in the 1901 census. I believe John had a younger brother James. He was born in Clare C1827.He came to NZ in 1862 and had a rather notorious career here in the Colonial Police Force,
    Cheers Bernie

    Thursday 18th Sep 2014, 10:43AM

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