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I am still looking on any information on John Hogan who probaly left Ireland around 1834 and came to Canada and lived in Quebec City. I am looking for any information on his his family if possible, he was born in 1818 and I THINK in the Wicklow county area, now I did look at the one birth certificate that is on line for Wicklow County but wrong religion. I know its a long shot but If anyone can help me I sure would appreciate it.

Friday 13th Jun 2014, 12:12AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear  Momzy

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The only record on for a John Hogan is in Co. Wicklow in 1818, is this the one you are referring to that is the wrong religion?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 17th Jun 2014, 01:51PM
  • Ys thats the baptism paper but they were not Catholic so I know this is not the one. Thanks! I am not even sure if this is the county he was from.

                                                                               Glenda Rossignol


    Tuesday 17th Jun 2014, 06:45PM

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