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I am a new member and I am researching Bulfin, Dwyer and Tyrell.  My gggrandparents were Patrick Bulfin and Maragret Dwyer, they were married in .  Patrick may have been the son of Edward Bulfin and Mary Tyrell.


Gary Shedron

Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 03:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Gary

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Do you know when Parick was born? You could take a look on where there are 5 baptism records for a Patrick Bulfin baptised in Co. Tipperary. If you know when Patrick married you will have a broad idea when he was born. These baptisms are for 1848, 1855, 1892, 1899 and 1900. Have a look and let me know what you think. It may just be a case of ruling them out rather than in. As it is a subscription site I am limited in what I can see. By 1901 there are not many Bulfin entries on the Census:…

    Best wishes  

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 17th Jun 2014, 09:44AM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thank you for your help.  My Patrick was born about 1798 (if I can prove he is the correct Patrick).  This Patrick, (the one I am currently researching, is shown as the son of Edward Bulfin and Mary Tyrell).  I have been unable to find anything to prove this is the correct Patrick, I am hoping find proof of this by identifying his first wife.  My Patrick was married to Margaret Dwyer and the one I am studying is shown with his first wife "Margaret" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, both born about 1800 in Ireland.

    Thanks, Gary Shedron


    Saturday 9th Aug 2014, 03:43AM
  • Dear Gary

    One of the difficulties in trying to identify him through his marriage is that they would have married in his wife?s home parish. While usually people would not have travelled far outside their own small area to marry, sometimes they did. You may be lucky though, in that witness? names might provide a link on any marriage record you find.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 12th Aug 2014, 08:59AM

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