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I am trying to find where in Co. Clare my gg-grandfather, Patrick Flynn, was born.  We believe he was born around 1835 (give or take 5 yrs) and his parents were John & Mary Flynn. John was born in Co. Clare c.1800 and Mary c.1810.  We do not have her maiden name.  We know for sure of one sibling of Patrick's named Cornelius Flynn.  Born c. 1842.

Both Patrick and  Cornelius ended up in Cedar Lake Township, Scott County, Minnesota, USA.  Patrick died in 1889 and Cornelius died in 1931.

Patrick married Briget Madden (around 1872) and they had 8 children born between 1874 and 1889: John, Mary, Patrick, Elizabeth, Thomas, Edward, Beatrice and Martin Joseph.



Wednesday 28th May 2014, 11:24PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear CSlattery

    Apologies for the delay in answering your query. Could I ask, do you know if Patrick and Bridget married here in Ireland or after he emigrated to  the US?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 


    Wednesday 4th Jun 2014, 10:44AM
  • Hi Clare!

    Patrick and Bridget were married here--she was born in MA, but they met and married in Minnesota--c. 1877.




    Wednesday 4th Jun 2014, 03:13PM
  • Dear Colleen

    I think the best place you could start is by going through each of the online records available on the Clare Local Studies Library site, below. There is a good explanatory note about each source.

    I had a quick look on but couldn't find a baptism record for a Cornelius Flynn (I decided that as both 'Patrick' and 'Flynn' are quite common, we would have a greater chance finding a Cornelius in a long list of baptism records). No luck however. In fact, I couldn't find a baptism for a Cornelius Flynn to any father or mother in those records. 

    The list below is the only parish baptisms available online at the minute for Co. Clare. In saying that, you ancestors may have been born at a time that pre-dates any of the records.


    1802 - 1901 


    1860 - 1900 


    1841 - 1900 


    1860 - 1900 

    Mountshannon and Whitegate

    1846 - 1900 


    1831 - 1902 


    1852 - 1900 


    Have a look at the link above and get back to me if you uncover anything further. If we could pinpoint a parish it would be great progress. Have you tried searching for any mention of your ancestor?s name in member family trees or messages? 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 5th Jun 2014, 10:09AM

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