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Would love to find where in Clare my ancestors lived.

William Ahern, farmer, married Ellen McInerney, daughter of Jeremiah and Eliza (nee O'Brien).

William and Ellen had seven children: Bridget, Thomas, Martin, Mary Ann, Jeremiah (my g.grandfather),Susan and Margaret.

Ellen born c.1815; arrived in Australia age 46 in December 1861 with youngest three children.

Thomas believed born early1830s, arrived Australia late 1850s.

Jeremiah born c 1841, Susan c 1844,  Margaret c 1846.

Monday 26th May 2014, 11:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Ric,

    I usually use the sites and which cover most of the church records in the country.  However Co. Clare is one of the last counties to come online and there are very few records to be viewed on rootsireland.  I couldn't find William Ahern at all.

    You could try looking at to see if you can find them.

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 04:32PM
  • Hello Ric,

    I too am interested in Ahern, Ahearn, A'herne family of County Clare.  The various spellings have corrupted the family branches over the years and it makes it a little difficult to research them.  It's always a good idea to throw a VERY large net when looking for them...........  many of the early Irish were unable to read or write, as you know, and so it was not ususual to have people, even in the same family, spelling their surname differently.  When considering the possibilities, just say the name out loud with an Irish accent and consider whether or not it "sounds" like a possibility(and DO consider all possibilities).

    I have one branch of my family who were Ahearns (and various other spellings) and migrated to Australia.  But of greater interest to me now is that I have ancestors of another surname altogether whom I had researched diligently for years and was quite satisfied that I had all the available information about them.  All the children of that family (so I thought) also migrated to Australia. Then, thanks to an incredibly alert and kind Clare Librarian (don't we just love those Librarians at the Clare Library! Such a hard-working and professional bunch!) my previous research exploded into several different directions.  The Librarian noticed a familiar surname (mine)  as he went through some records.  He had previously answered some questions for me regarding Clare family and local history.  He followed up on the clue and "found" a missing child from my Clare family about whom I had never even heard. That led to my discovering that this other child had migrated to the USA and had not come to Australia along with the others, eventually llsing touch altogether.  An entire new family branch!

    She had married an Ahearn (various spellings turn up in the records even "Heron!").  The Ahearn she married was also Irish.  So far I have been unable to find a record of marriage for the couple but Kilrush is an area cropping up in my research with requency.

    Because most of the Clare records have not yet been released, I suggest that the information you wish to find, may only be found within the Parish records.  I shall keep watching this thread with interest to see if you come up with anything else about your Ahearns (Aherns, A'hernes, Herons etc) and if I find anything which I think may be of assistance to you I will post it here for your perusal.

    Good luck! Please contact me directly if you wish to collaborate.



    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 07:53PM
  • Anne, thanks for your reply. If you get two thanks messages, my apologies and my lack of computer skils!

    I have come across two Wiliams, recorded in the 'Ireland, Tithe Aplotment Books, 1814-1855', both farmers. One at Creevagh, one at Shanavogh East. Don't know any more though, so will keep searching.

    regards      ric

    Tuesday 3rd Jun 2014, 11:05PM
  • Dear skyrish2us, great name! thanks for your reply & hints. don't know if you got my earlier reply so trying to make sure. hopefully we will get to ireland next year and can search some parish records. creevagh & shanavogh east look possible as found two william aherns there.    regards   ric

    Friday 13th Jun 2014, 04:10AM
  • Good luck Ric,

    Let me know how you get along. Being on the spot in Ireland is certainly your best chance of getting any solid evidence.  Ddon't forget to hava look around the local graveyards and record and photograph every headstone which bears the surname you are seeking.  That which you may not think relevant when you are there may become relevant later on in your research.

    Have a wonderufl trip - no doubt you will fall in love with beautiful Ireland as most people do!




    Friday 13th Jun 2014, 10:04PM
  • Yes, looks like they came from the parish of Clare Abbey.

    I also left a search message under the name McInerney, and that resulted in a couple of contacts...

    Many thanks to IrelandXO and those who offered support.


    Thursday 4th Dec 2014, 10:36PM

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