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I am Looking for descendants of the Slattery and/or Hanlon families, originally from the townland of Ballysheen, near Abbeydorney.  There are none left in O'Dorney parish by the 1901 census, so I'm not sure where they ended up.  That's why I'm posting in nearby parishes as well.

My great-grandfather was Dennis Slattery, son of Daniel Slattery and Margaret Hanlon Slattery.  He was born around 1835, but that was just a year or 2 before the RC records started in Abbeydorney.  However, in the RC church records I do find 2 probable siblings: Hanora Slattery (b. 1837) and John Slattery (b. 1840).   The father--Daniel Slattery--left in the early 1840s to work in the US (was last heard from in Jefferson County, NY around 1849). Contact was lost, and his son (Dennis) and wife (Margaret) came to the US, ending up in Minnesota.  We don't know what became of Hanora or John.  Perhaps they remained behind with uncles/aunts?  If anyone has any knowledge about what might have become of the above-mentioned Hanora Slattery and John Slattery (children of Daniel Slattery and Margaret Hanlon) I would be very greatful!


Friday 23rd May 2014, 10:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear CSlattery

    I have forwarded your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parsh. I hope you will hear from her soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 30th May 2014, 09:55AM
  • Hi Clare 

    I wonder if you could pass this request to the nearest and most appropriate volunteer of this area of Kerry.

    I believe my GGGrandfather was a John Hanlon who married a Gobinet Burns and had 7 possibly 8 children including my GGrandfather John Hanlon borm 17/6/1838. Has anyone got further knowledge of this to go back even further or interesting facts of the area in that time?




    Saturday 23rd May 2015, 10:21AM
  • Dear Ken

    It would be best if you could post a fresh message as anyone with info won't be able to see your post here but will if it is listed in it's own right. In the meantime I will see who is available to us in Kerry and have them take a look

    Best wishes
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 25th May 2015, 08:08AM
  • My family is from Ballysheen.


    Margaret Hanlon born in Lerrig 16 Mar 1821 married John Davis born 24 Jun 1818 in Ballysheen.


    They had 4 children in Ballysheen and a 5th in London and 6 more in Saratoga County, New York.


    Margaret's brother John Hanlon also emigrated to Saratoga County, New York


    Ray Davis


    Saturday 6th Jun 2015, 09:12PM
  • Hello Ray!

    Very interesting!   I don't think that could be my Margaret Hanlon, as mine was born closer to 1810 and married Daniel Slattery (marriage date unknown).  But seems that she must be connected with your Hanlons somehow?  I don't know what her parents' names were or sibilings.  But I do know that she and Daniel had at least 3 children. I found records online for a son (John Slattery, b. 1840) and Hanora Slattery (b. 1837).  Both in Ballysheen.  I have not been able to find a baptismal record for my great-grandfather (Dennis), as I think the Abbeydorney records only start after he was born. We believe he was born around 1835.

    Perhaps your Margaraet Hanlon is a niece of my Margaret Hanlon?  Do you know what her parents and grandparents' names were?  Does the name Slattery come up anywhere in your family history? 

    Thank you!





    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 05:52PM
  • My Margaret's parents were John Hanlon born about 1793 and Ann Bridget born about the same year.


    Ann Bridget came to America and died 10 Feb 1866.


    They may have lived in Ardfert as that is where John Davis married Margaret Hanlon in 1840.

    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 07:21PM
  • Do you have any idea what John Hanlon's parents' names were?  I'm thinking he could have been my Margaret's brother. 


    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 02:08AM

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