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Looking for descendants of the Slattery and/or Hanlon families from the townland of Ballysheen, near Abbeydorney.  There are none left in O'Dorney parish by the 1901 census, so I'm not sure where they ended up.  That's why I'm posting in nearby parishes as well.

My great-grandfather was Dennis Slattery, son of Daniel Slattery and Margaret Hanlon Slattery.  He was born around 1835, but that was just a year or 2 before the RC records started in Abbeydorney.  In the RC church records I find 2 probable siblings: Hanora Slattery (b. 1837) and John Slattery (b. 1840).   The father--Daniel Slattery--left in the early 1840s to work in the US (was last heard from in Jefferson County, NY around 1849). Contact was lost, and his son (Dennis) and wife (Margaret) came to the US, ending up in Minnesota.  We don't know what became of Hanora or John.  Perhaps they remained behind with uncles/aunts?


Thursday 22nd May 2014, 10:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi C, a quick check of the online records suggests that it might be worth checking out this marriage in 1854,

    You can email Fr. Denis O'Mahony here if the original paper record still exists it will hopefully identify this woman's father.

    It seems you already found this?

    Let us know how you get on.



    Monday 26th May 2014, 09:33PM
  • Thank you Martine!  I will email Fr. O'Mahoney.

    I did find the Boston Pilot add a few years ago--amazing to learn so much in one little document!  Among other things, that's how I learned my Slatterys were from Ballysheen.



    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 01:12AM
  • Good luck C! Let me know how you get on.


    Thursday 12th Jun 2014, 03:04PM
  • I did contact Fr. O'Mahoney and he was kind enough to let me know that marriage records did not begin in Abbeydorney parish until 1859.  He was going to check to see if there might be a possibility that the marriage was recorded in a neighboring parish (Ardfert).  Seems a long shot, but it was nice of him to offer!

    On another subject, have you heard about the Celtic Connections Genealogy Conference in Boston this summer (mid August)? I finally decided to go, although it is not anywhere near where I live.  What convinced me is that there are some prominent Irish genealogists who will be presenting there.  (Such as John Grenham, Brian Donovan and Eileen O'Duill, to name a few).

    I'm hoping this will give me ideas for focusing my research. Right now I'm all over the map, as I have 5 great grandparents born in Ireland, and 4 great-greats.  They came from Kerry, Laois, Clare, Carlow, Down and a 2 whose counties I haven't even been able to pinpoint yet.   So I have my work cut out for me ... and I won't be retired for another 10 yrs.  Thus focus is the key!

    Thanks again for your help!


    Thursday 12th Jun 2014, 03:44PM
  • Hi C, if the record exists on then it should be available in the National Library in Dublin on microfiche. This record may not have any further information than what is online but there is always a chance!

    Hope you really enjoy the event


    Thursday 12th Jun 2014, 07:36PM

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