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We have a Bridget McCarthy who we think came to New Zeland as a 16 year old other than the information on her marriage and death records we have found nothing else and I really woudl love some help.  So what I know is that her parents were Charles McCarthy and Margaret Neylon from Ennistimon County Clare and that her father was a farmer.  There was talk she had a brother. I can not find her on the shipping records so far as we believe she came out with another family - we think she was born about 1860 amd she died here suddenly in Oamaru in 1917.  I woudl appricate any help I can get. I have been searching the county Clare Library website and so far I have found nothing that I fell confident about.  So heres hoping someone is looking for a missing family member and we can link up.  thanks Anne Maree

Thursday 22nd May 2014, 10:54AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Anne Maree

    Have you been able to find records that verfiy or point towards the Ennistymon connection?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 02:24PM
  • Hi Clare

    Thank you for your response. 

    All we have is her marriage certificate issued in New Zealand which only states Co. Clare and yet on her NZ Death Certificate is states What I thought was Innidimon Co. Clare - then I decided it was more likely to be Ennistimon.  I have found this to be spelt with either a 'y" or an "i" 

    On the death Cert the writing has been run together and I would have to say the first letter looks more like an capital 'I" yet I have not found any parish in Co. Clare that looks remotely like starting with an 'I" that is a longer word..

    The spelling is likely to be wrong as she had married a man from Scotland so he wouldn't be likely to have the spelling correct and we find in NZ sometimes with immirgrants accents the spelling is often an issue.

    Other information I have been told is that there was no contact with her parents because she married outside of the Catholic Church.  I wonder if it was because she her parents could not read and write. Another tale was her brother was so upset when she left Ireland he labelled her truck as Cartney...Another tale was that she came out here as a 16 year old with another family.  

    I was hoping if someone could find a marriage certificate for a Charles McCarthy and a Margaret Neylon I might have more luck.

    I have been searching the Co. Clare library records and as yet I can't find anything. 

    I am really hoping someone has a missing link in their McCarthy or Neylon family trees.


    Anne Maree


    Wednesday 28th May 2014, 03:52AM
  • Anne Marie

    I will send your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish. I hope you will hear from her soon.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 30th May 2014, 09:16AM
  • Dear Anne Maree:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I am not the parish liaison for Ennistymon, but I had a quick look for you in the Clare Library website. 


    I note that there was a Charles McCarthy living in Lavareen townland, in the parish of Clooney, which is located in the Poor Law Union of Ennistymon.  Clooney has now been amalgamated with Kilmaneehan parish in the church records.  I have looked at their records/register dates and unfortunately the earliest date is 1870,. 


    However, there are a number of Neylon/Neylan families and McCarthy families located within this area of Clooney and it might be worth looking further through the website or even through the Census online to see if you might come up with a connection.  I do note that there was a Bridget McCarthy aged 20 years old who sailed to Victoria as a sponsored emigrant.  That is listed under the Emigration tab in the Library website.  Are you sure of the 1860 birth date?  If you have more information about her that you would like to share, please email me at and I will see what else I can do for you.,  In the meantime, keep checking back to the message board to see if others are also looking for the same family in the same area. 


    Good luck!


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 2nd Jun 2014, 08:13PM

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