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Thankyou to Roger who recommended my accessing this parish, Tulla.  My great grandfather is James O'Halloran who was born in 1855 I believe.  He was an assisted migrant on the ship "Jerusalem" at age 19, classified as a labourer from Kilmore, Clare, who could read and write and was Roman Catholic.  He married a Mary Ann Jones in 1877 in Sydney,Australia.  On board the same ship were Edmund O'Halloran (25) and Ann O'Halloran (16) who may have been related.  I don't have his parents' names nor the date of his death in Australia, so can provide no further details.  I am accesssing the site here and hope that someone is able to give me more information.  I am very grateful for any assistance.

Sunday 18th May 2014, 07:12AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear irish roots

    Let us know if Jane turns up anything for you in Tulla

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 20th May 2014, 03:02PM

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