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Looking for any information about Patrick Callahan b. 1828 and his wife Sarah b. 1824 and their daughter Mary Elizabeth Callahan b. 1851 in County Clare. All are buried in Polo, Illinois (USA).  Mary Elizabeth Callahan is my great grandmother, who married Martin James Naylon b. 1839 in County Clare. Coming to Ireland in two days, not sure where to start while there.

Thursday 15th May 2014, 11:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    I have passed your query to a volunteer. I hope you will hear from her soon. In the meantime, it would be a good idea to have a look at the website for Clare Local Studies Centre:

    Best wishes and I hope you enjoy your stay in Ireland

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 19th May 2014, 03:12PM
  • Hi:


    I have just received your query from Clare at Head Office.  A great place to start to do some research if you are going to be in County Clare, is in Ennis at the Local Studies Centre.  This is located next to the DeValera Library and is open from Monday to Friday.  They have a very good online catalogue that you can browse through.  You can look at this from their site at:

    I will take a quick look for you and if you have any further information that you think may be helpful or If you need further assistance, please email me at  


    The best of luck with your search.  


    Kind regards,


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 19th May 2014, 04:34PM

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