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In 1986 a woman named M J Creery wrote from Bangor to my cousin in New Zealand. I have only just been shown the letter. We have the surnames WOODS and GORDON in common from the Clady area as M J Creery did not want to go there in 1986 but did go to the Belfast Record Office to look for family.

Other christian names mentioned in Ireland are David, Walter, Esther, Joe and as far as I can make out these are all Woods. M J Creery's husband died in 1962 and her parents in 1968, and 1969. Her sister Margaret in 1965.


I am hoping someone may recognise these names as their family or have known this person and be able to put me in touch with them. I understand you would want to ask them first and I can provide an email address. I am in New Zealand and this would break down a brick wall that has existed since Sarah Jane Woods and her brothers John  and James emigrated c 1874 to NZ as orphans.


Here's hoping

Coralie Smith

Sunday 20th Apr 2014, 07:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Coralie

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! Unfortunately we do not yet have a volunteer in Bangor. 

    Have you tried searching for any mention of your ancestor?s name in member family trees or messages? It may be that this information is available there already. 

    You could also go to this page as there is a facebook link that could be very useful in finding this person: 

    Let us know how you get on

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 23rd Apr 2014, 09:49AM
  • Hi Clare

    Thanks for the suggestions, hadn't thought of either of those things.


    Wednesday 23rd Apr 2014, 09:14PM

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