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Looking for any information on the Ennis surname and family of my 3x great grandmother.  She was Ellen Ennis born about 1834 Ireland.    She married Thomas Ford ( do not know if this was in Ireland or they married in America).  There first son John was born 1851 Pittsburgh, PA.

Ellen died 1902 in Pittsburgh, her death certificate states that her parents were Matthew and Katie Ennis born Ireland....and her obitutary states "Ellen was a native of County Longford".....this is the only info  I have connecting her to this county.

Is the Ennis name a definitely County Longford name?    Any suggestions on how to proceed to try and locate Ellen's birth and info on her parents Matthew and Katie.

Appreciate any and all help.

Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 05:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • According to the attached site, the surname Ennis is most common in Cos Kildare, Meath & Dublin. But it is also found across a range of other counties. Griffiths Valuation has none in Co Longford in the mid 1800s and there are none in the county in the 1901 census. So you are right to question the accuracy of the information that it?s where she came from.

    I?d try and get some additional information on her origins.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 07:07PM
  • I have looked at the church records online for Co. Longford and saw only one Ennis in marriages which was too late for you. There was no Ennis in birth records. I am afraid you are fighting an up-hill battle as most church records for Catholics don't go back far enough for you. I wonder if whoever wrote her obit was confused as Ford could be a Longford name, Just a thought, good luck in your research.

    Wednesday 9th Apr 2014, 01:13AM

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