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I am trying to trace my roots and was told that my Grandfather Patrick McGee was from the town of Clauda, County Kilkenny but I do not see it on maps of County Kilkenny. He came to the United States as a young boy.

Can you help me to research my Family Tree? 

I was told my Grandfather Patrick McGee was born on  December 10, 1874 in County Kilkenny

His Father was Charles McGee              Born June 9, 1837  Died April 10,1876

His Mother was Julia O'Connor McGee   Born April 6, 1839 Died Feb 20, 1884

I was told that my Grandmother Mary Ryan McGee was born on March 14, 1877 in County Kilkenny 

Her Father was James Ryan Born ?  Died October 16, 1918

Her Mother was Alice Daly    Born ?  Died October 8, 1911

Thank you for any help that you can provide.


Patrick McGee









Monday 31st Mar 2014, 04:48AM

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