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Seeking family history information on parents and relatives of William Talbot, born November 1840, address Burgoo in Parish of Roscrea. Catholic. Parents Michael Talbot and Margaret Doyle, married in parish of Dunkerrin on 2nd December 1826 (witnesses Jno Doyle and Bgt Gunning - Priest Thomas Blake).

Williams known siblings and birth dates were Mary 1826 at Honeymount, Hon 1929 Honeymount, Catherine 1832 parish of Dunkerrin, James 1836 Honeymount.


Friday 28th Mar 2014, 03:17AM

Message Board Replies

  • Headstone in Roscrea;


    Tommy Talbot; Green st Roscrea

    21/8/1941 (62) (b.1879)


    24/2/1960 (78) (b.1882)


    Jack Mc Donald

    Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 07:59PM
  • Headstones in Roscrea;


    Hugh Doyle; Limerick rd


    son-John; 26/4/1966

    wife-Margaret; 17/8/1967

    Thomas Doyle; 27/9/1968 (20)


    Philip Doyle; 4/2/1943

    wife-Catherine; 31/5/1957

    son-John; 4/4/1952


    Jack Mc Donald

    Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 08:08PM
  • Many thanks Eamonn. Sorry for late reply. We have been travelling meanwhile.


    Sunday 24th Aug 2014, 11:09PM
  • Many thanks Sean. Sorry for late reply. We have been travelling meanwhile.


    Sunday 24th Aug 2014, 11:11PM
  • Thanks aGod bless andSo So anywayMy name is Timothy Andrew Talbot, and I am the youngest of the 6 sons of my father, Raymond Eugene Talbot. His fathers name was Leo Francis Talbot, and he was the son of my Great-Grandfather, a Irishman from Co. Tipperary named William H. Talbot, born in Roscrea in 1850, departed this world October 31st, 1912, exactly 50 years to the day of my own birth.

    My Great Grandfathers father was also named William Talbot, he died in 1894, there, in the village? Terry glass, Dunkerrin, Kings, when he left was gone. Lost his left leg below the knee in a mining accident in Pennsylvania, got 5 grand and went to Queens New York. He'd a cousin or some such in Philadelphia we were told, got him the job coal mining. Pre income tax USA? It was an extraordinary amount of money. He fuc...uh..he 'went' ;- ) to Queens, opened a saloon, then another, then another and another. Married a fresh of the boat 20 year old named Anna Maria McGonigle from Co. Sligo aged 50. They had 7 children, 5 of whom survived childhood, my Grandfather Leo Francis Talbot being among them. I believe my GGrandfathers mother was a woman by the name of Catherine or Bridget Maher or Mahar, and his Father William had at least one sister named Bridget Talbot.

    William H was born in 1840, died 1912. He'd claimed 10 years when he immigrated, so they thought he was 50, but nah, he was actually....62. So. 

    I was born in...that's right, '62. he died 10/31/12, and I was born 10/31/62. 

    Am I the 2nd coming of me fookin Great Grandfar, or what? Anytime I write back, and when all my people left (my mothers maiden name was Joan Mary Corcoran, her parents were from Adare in Co. Limerick, and Edgesworthstown in Co. Longford. I've both Irish and US passports & citizenship, and Corcoran's chemists was founded by my most Great Gradfather, a man from Wicklow (I believe) named Michael Corcoran, who graduated Trinity in the 1870's (not a lot of RC's coming thru the quad in those days, eh?) and became the National Schoolmaster in Edgesworthstown before retiring and opening the pharmacy. I background because any Talbot from anywhere near fookin Roscrea I contact? There's Tom Talbot with a clothing store, a Talbot electrical Service, there's a pretty nice looking bar/music venue place called Talbots, and of course, you put 'Talbot, Co. Tipperary' and all you get is good ol', go get em Sherry Talbot! Ms.Sherry Talbot, who apparently desires to corner the entire real estate market of Tipperary in particular and Southern Ireland in general won't reply to an American Talbot worth millions who owns his own business (The Nob Hill General Store 1389 Leavenworth St.) AND two properties in the most expensive city on the planet, San Francisco, California? Raise the bar, Sherry! Spread your wings! I bought my home in 2012 for $750,000. It was appraised this year @ 2.8 million! So Sherry? Good luck on the tycoon derivations, but honestly people. Like I'm gonna reach out from SF to touch you for a sofa to kip on or a few euro to buy a fookin sandwich? Jaysus Joseph and Mary, as my GGrandfather doubtlessly said many thousands of times. I have nor do I make no claims, I write for we are related by blood, we are family. That Eire was torn from its educated, matriarichal/patriarchal ancient society 1st by the church and priests, and then the followers of Henry VIIIth is the only reason we're here and not there, but you write, and...ah, well, it's a lot of water under the bridge, and I suppose if we're being perfectly honest, if any of you supposed Talbot's that stayed but who are the very folks what made our side of the line? The Irish Talbots of Terryglass, Dunkerrin, Roscrea, whatever (I've never been there, how the hell would I know what's what and where in County it may be in relation to each other, eh? Exactly. Now pay attention) 

    We were and are of a genetic fluke that blessed us with the ability to write like this and thus lead us Talbot's to think we're pretty special because, well other people aren't Talbot's, right? Right. Not OUR Talbots. So. Here I am, a name out of a half remembered past. A name torn out of and from the hoary raging days of yore, and blah blah blah. I care because I'm proud of my name and I'm happy to carry it in the world. I fall to no man and stand for every woman. But if any of you reached out? 'Hey I'm Big Delbert Von Chuckleton Talbot from ol' Terryglass way, and we may be related' type of thing? If any of you wrote me? I'd figure you were looking for a free ride, a hand out, a claim on some piece of land or were simply mad as a hatter (or quite possibly all of the above), and I'd definitely shine you on as well. I'd give ya the high hat. Send ya off on a snipe hunt. Tell ya to take yer song and violin and hit the bricks. Anyway... my brothers are John, Peter, Matthew, Sam, and Dan. Two sets of Irish Triplets; John, Pete, and Matt were born in '52, '54, & '55, then Sam, Dan, and me are '59, '60, and '62. There. If you are my relation, I love you. If you aren't, I love you too. It's just much simpler that way is all, really. And of course, it's also true. If you're in town stop by and say hello and I'll give you a free ice cream, absolutely. 

    Thanks and god bless-Tm 






    Timothy Andrew Talbot

    Monday 3rd Dec 2018, 11:59AM
  • Hello there,

    I am looking for a Marian, or Mary Ann, TALBOTT who married 1 Apr 1766 to a George SOTHERN/SOUTHERN of Laois. She was a widow. I believe she may have been the widow of a Francis TALBOTT/TALBOT. They were married 28 Nov 1754. She died in 1927. She was possibly 'of Birr. A related family is MASON. I have a DNA match to DOYLE. Any info at all gratefully received.


    Monday 3rd Dec 2018, 09:00PM


    We are most likely related. However, the woman you seek simply she cannot have been born in 1754 if she died in 1927, for she would have been an astounding and quite ancient 176 years of age. That is, unless of course, she were a vampire, but that's impossible, for, as we all know, all the Vampires still residing in the auld sod left when good ol' St Pat chased all the snakes out. Very fond of chasing out the reptiles, Vampires, St Pat was.

    I don't know if there are any '2 T's' Talbot's from Tipperary either, so if yours is a '2 T' Talbot, chances are they're either French, wishing they werent, or from Laois, but only the sweet lord McJesus knows for certain. ;- )

    I pray and hope you have a sense of humor that dovetails w/ mine or god help me-for I'm just taking the piss dontcha know, aye.

    Tim Talbot

    Timothy Andrew Talbot

    Wednesday 19th Dec 2018, 08:56AM
  • Hi Tim,

    I was remiss in saying she died 1927, that is the date handed down & I have tried to prove it but no joy. And definitely am not feeling a lurch to Trumpful.

    I felt it best to give the outside dates as I received them however doubtful.

    The only dates I am sure of are the two marriage dates.  Her 2nd husband was much younger which also gives me unease.  As for the spelling, names are notoriously mis-spelt as I am sure you know. I prefer one T but I was handed down two.

    I have a note that she may have been b 1755 but cannot now recall why I made the note but 1755 would sit better with the births of the chn. But not with the 1766 marriage which is definite. If I recall correctly the local paper said she was 91 & by publication date, pregnant.

    She had chn to her 2nd husband between c1770 & 1791 so a death c1827 seems possible. The burial was likely on the family property so no records public & no one has answered my queries. I doubt they know anything.

    She was known only as 'the widow TALBOT(T)

    I much appreciate your info re sp etc. Such insights are impossible to someone with no local knowledge at all of the area.

    Anything else welcome.

    Merry Christmas!



    Thursday 20th Dec 2018, 07:08AM
  • PS

    Sorry for errors in dates. 1827 burial is definite. There was some connection to Castle Fleming. If that helps.

    Friday 21st Dec 2018, 06:57AM

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