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I am seeking information on the Wray family of Carricknamanna, Killygordon.  John Wray (my ggrandfather - my father's maternal side) was born abt May 1820 in Ireland. According to one record it states he was the son of a John Wray. He married Mary Anne Long (daughter of Alexander) on Dec 1848 in the Presbyterian Meeting House, Donaghmore.  Mary Anne was born abt 1831 and died aft 1911.  I have the 1901 and 1911 census records.  They had 12 children. The six that remained in Ireland are Alexander, William, John James, Jemina (married Robert Kee), Mary Anne, Fanny Martha.  The 1911 census indicates all alive except one.  I believe that was John James as I found a record that a John James died in service but I do not have a source that connects that John James to my family.  On the grave marker of Jemina Wray Kee and family there is a Robert Wray buried there as well.  Jemina's brother Robert Wray came to America and died in Connecticut.  So, is he a cousin, uncle or what relation?

When researching Robert Wray, I found he married a Margaret Long on June 10, 1858 in Donoughmore. Margaret is the daughter of Alexander.  So now I wonder if Margaret and my gggrandmother, Mary Anne are sisters and if Robert and John are brothers, or cousins.  Robert was born 1831.  There children, Robert born 1866, Fanny Margaret born about 1875 according to the 1911 census, and Matthew David born 24 Feb 1871.  In 1911 they were residing in Carricknamanna, Killygordon.  I also found a record indicating an Alexander Long was born abt 1790 and died at age 84 (abt 1874).

And to complicate matters, my 3rd ggrandfather on my father's paternal side, Samuel Roulston married a Elizabeth LONG in the late 1700's.  They also resided in County Donegal. So, again I'm trying to determine if Elizabeth was a sister to Alexander?

Can anyone help me connect thesefamilies or have any information that would be helpful that I may find my ancestors?  Thanking in advance for any replies.


Wednesday 19th Mar 2014, 06:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Good Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in replying to your message. 

    Unfortunately when we are faced with information and a gap in records it can be difficult and frustrating to piece together a family tree. So far you are doing very well! One of the only ways to link together these families though, is to gather as much information as possible in the hope that through a cross-reference on a baptism or other record you can match one family to another. I know this is less than ideal, but the vacuum that exists in relation to records in Ireland means that a lot of the time this type of family research is tedious but very necessary. 

    Have you tried searching for any mention of your ancestor?s name in member family trees or messages? 

    You could also contact the Donegal Diaspora Website to see if there is any further information about your Presbyterian ancestors, or perhaps a lcoal historian who could further assist:

    As an aside, this is an interesting link to Donegal Presbyterianism: 

    Remember to post any new information that you find here. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 12:54PM
  • Good afternoon Claire,

    Thank you so much for the information you provided it certainly will be most helpful as I continue trying to find my Irish ancestors from Donegal. I first joined Ireland Reaching Out in April 2012 and posted two messages with known dates (Roulston, Wray, Maxwell, Long Families) (Wray (Ray) and Kee Families). Those messages provide more detail.  As a member of for the past 15+ years, I have also posted my tree "Roulston and Wray" there.

    I have since discovered that my gggrandfather, Samuel Roulston married Elizabeth Long.  My ggrandfther, John Roulston married Elizabeth Blackburn all from the same area.  My grandfather, Samuel Ellis Roulston born 1840 married Elizabeth Catherine Wray in Vermont, daughter of John Wray and Mary Anne Long from Carricknamanna.  So, I have the Long family on both my father's materal and paternal side.

    I look forward to going to Ireland within the next year.  I have found that my Wray ggrandparents are in the 1901 and 1911 Ireland Census.  I cannot find a connection to any of the Roulston families listed in the area of Donegal.  The only Roulston family members (children of Samuel and Elizabeth Long) that I'm aware of came to Vermont, but I know there were more that possibly went to Canada or stayed in Ireland.

    Again, thank you for your help.  I will continue to post messages with more details (dates and sources) as I move forward.



    Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 07:12PM
  • Clare, I apologize for misspelling your name in my last message.


    Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 07:13PM
  • No problem Charline 

    Hopefully you will make great progress!



    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 9th Apr 2014, 01:04PM

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