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Searchinjg for descendants of Daniel Sheehan and Mary Mergin/Bergin married 16 Feb 1824 Galbally. Witnesses William Mergin and Mary Magner. Daniel leased land from the Earl of Kingston at Curraghturk and Glennahaglish.Their daughter, Bridget,married James Mahoney and other daughter Honora married James Power - they had seven children. 


Saturday 8th Mar 2014, 03:21AM

Message Board Replies

  • Good Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    As you can see from the link below, Ballylanders is a Civil Parish in Co. Limerick:…
    Records for the corresponding Roman Catholic Parish of Ballylanders begin in 1849.

    As this is the case you could try searching the sites suggested below for further information about your ancestor: (a subscription site)

    The Tithe Applotment (1823-1837) and Griffith's Valuation (1847-1864) records are also very useful, even though they only list the head of household.

    Please let us know if you find any further information about the Sheehan family.

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Sunday 30th Mar 2014, 12:26PM
  • Hi Randlway

    My 4x great-grandfather is a Daniel Sheehan, Farmer of Ballylanders, who married Catherine Hennessy and had a daughter Bridget (c.1833) who eloped to Australia. Our family story is that Daniel Sheehan (Irish Catholic) and George Powell (Anglo-Irish Protestant) were neighbours in Ballylanders/Curraghturk, and that their children eloped when the families refused give permission to marry.

    It seems like you and I are both using the Tithe Applotment Books and Griffiths Valuation to identify Daniel Sheehan, but your Daniel's daughter Bridget and my Daniel's daughter Bridget are clearly two different people. From my research so far, it seems that there were at least two Daniel Sheehans in Glennahaglish - Daniel Sheehan Senior, and Daniel Sheehan Junior. Their names show up in the Ireland Valuation Office books in 1848-1849. Interestingly, Daniel Sheehan Senior's name is crossed out and "vacant" is written beside one of his houses - did he die or simply relocate? Another entry for 1848-1849 has "Widow Margaret Sheehan" occupying a Glennahaglish house leased by Daniel Sheehan junior.  (I got this information from, by the way.)

    This doesn't help in your search for descendants, I know, but I hope you find it helpful.





    Sunday 23rd Oct 2016, 05:54AM

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