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Greetings from Canada!  I am researching my ancestors John and Martha Lawrence who were land tenants of Earl Fitzwilliam in County Wicklow, Parish Moyne.  I know that John and Martha left Ireland in 1848 with their family and moved to Canada (Durham, Ontario), however not much is known about their life in Ireland.  I believe I have found John in the Griffiths Valuation living very close to the present day Church of Ireland in Moyne.  A John Lawrence also appears in the Tithe Applotment Books in 1824 in the same area.

I am looking for any parish records for John and Martha Lawrence relating to their marriage or the baptism of their children.  Ideally, I'd like to find out who John and Martha's parents were.  I did find one index on that shows a John Lawrence and Martha Farror getting married on December 5, 1826 in Parish Kilcommon, County Wicklow.  Our family had always assumed they were married in Parish Moyne however the names and time period for the Kilcommon parish seem to fit.  Maybe it was Martha's home parish - I'm not sure. The witnesses were listed as William Farrar and Samuel Farror.

My family believes that John Lawrence was born sometime between 1785 and 1791 in Wicklow Ireland and that Martha Farrar was born in 1802 in Wicklow Ireland.  I believe they lived in county Wicklow, parish moyne, townland slieveroe (although I have also seen it listed as townland Moyne).  John and Martha had a number of children born between 1826-1845.  Their names were: Anne, Thomas, Samuel, John, William, James, Henry, George and Martha.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated as I have hit a bit of brick wall in my search for John and Martha.

Thank you!

Chris Hall

Tuesday 4th Mar 2014, 07:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Chris,

    I happened to be looking just now for information on family and noticed your query, posted today. Oddly, I have not looked online for any of this info before.

    My grandfather was Abraham Lawrence, born @1898, emigrated to Canada as a youth. I am traveling to Ireland (fourth visit) to visit second cousins in May and will take your info and see what I can dig up. One cousin is in her seventies but has extremely good recall about who was related to whom, when they died, where they're buried, and so on. 

    Good luck with your search.


    Karen Lawrence

    Wednesday 5th Mar 2014, 01:24AM
  • PS Chris,

    I am from Windsor, Ontario where my grandfather lived and raised my dad Kenneth and his brother (Jack, died at Dieppe). My dad is still living, aged 93; I will ask if he has any recollection of these people.

    Wednesday 5th Mar 2014, 01:26AM
  • Chris, I have Lawrence information.  Henry Lawrence, Moyne was married to one of Eager Ancestors, Ann Lawrence, Moyne was married to one of my Langrell Ancestors.


    The following will be of intrest to you. At the time of the famine 1845/1848 several left Ireland.


    Lawrences, Sliveroe, Moyne on the Fitzwilliam Clearane.

    17th May 1847 from New Ross, to Qubec.

    John 55, Martha 45, Ann 22, Thomas 20, Samuel 17, John 15, William 13, James 11, Henry 9,

    George 6 and Martha 5.

    15th April, 1851 on the ship Glenlyon from New Ross to Qubec.

    James 43, Mary 40, Ann 14, Susan 12, Jane 11 Mary 9.

    Henry 42, Mary 24, Anthony 20, Suzanna 15, Martha 14.


    Maura Gibson

    Tuesday 8th Apr 2014, 10:59AM
  • Hello Chris & Karen, any luck yet?

    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 11:04PM
  • Regarding Lawrences of Moyne


    I am researching the Hopkins of Corndog, Slieveroe, and Askakeagh. These townlands werer adjacent to, or part of, Carrickroe which is where most of the Lawrences originated from as far as I can tell, but I am unable to go back further than John Lawrence and Martha Farrar.


    I think there is a quite old Lawrence woman still living just outside of Moyne.


    The Lawrence family also own Strathnakelly, the original Hopkins farm in Wicklow.


    Good luck.


    The Lawrences, Edges and Hopkins all emigrated to Durham Ontario.

    Wednesday 15th Jul 2015, 05:18AM
  • I am sorry...I do have more info on John Lawrence.

    In 1827, John Lawrence, age 35 had 45 acres at Slearoe or Slieveroe near Moyne.   With him was his wife age 24 (Martha?), a son (probably was Anthony?) and a daughter (probaly Anne).   The property was formerly held by Keegan.   Mary Keegan age 57 was still on 1/2 acre of this land.

    Also at Slieveroe on 46 acres was Anthony Lawrence, age 60, who was possibly John's father, after whom 1st son Anthony would have been named.


    In 1839, John is age 46, wife is 36, with 5 boys and 1 girl.


    In 1848 the 45 acres is still held by Lawrences but John and family are no longer there.


    This has to be your family!


    Ross Hopkins



    Wednesday 15th Jul 2015, 05:33AM
  • I have some new information on your Lawrence and Farrar ancestors.

    The Lawrence people were landholders at both Slieveroe and Carrikroe townlands which are in C of I Moyne Parish.    number of Farrars were from Coolroe and Coolfancy which would have been in Kilcommon Parish, so Martha was likely from there and possibly a daughter of a Samual.   A Samual renewed a lease at Coolfancy in 1818 which had originally been taken from 1775 but expired on the death of his brother Joshua.   They would have been born c1770, so Sam would have been about the right agae to be Martha's father.



    Saturday 7th May 2016, 04:10PM
  • I am originally from Moyne and all the names on this thread are familiar , Lawrence, Edge, Hopkins, Farrar,,,Egar  also the townlands . Slieveroe, Corndog, Carrigroe , ..............Coolroe, Coolafancy . . I knew of Farrar's in Askakeagh (about 2 miles from Moyne) . The. mid 1800's was a tough time of famine in Ireland . I read of the emmigrants from Ireland  ? 30000 ariving in Toronto, Canada . At that time the population of TO was circa 20000 ! !. My sister in laws mother maiden name Elizabeth Lawrence , Carrighroe  . I see that messages began in March 2014 by Chris Hall . in my time in Moyne there was a family of Hall in Ballymacrow about half mile from Moyne , alas no Hall name there now. 


    Wm Golding Joseph Kidd

    Friday 25th Jun 2021, 05:55PM

    Monday 28th Jun 2021, 10:14PM
  • Did you get my reply?

    Monday 28th Jun 2021, 10:16PM

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