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Patrick McAleer b. 1783 married Ann McElhone b. 1795.  They and their three children Ellen b. 1815, Bridget b. 1822 and Francis b. 1825 emmigrated to Canada in 1826.  They settled in St. Andrews West, (near Cornwall) Ontario.  They had more children - Patrick b. 1827, Ann b. 1929, James b. 1932, Andrew b. 1833, Catherine b. 1834 and Hugh who was born and died in 1841.

Records show that Patrick was a shoemaker.  He died in 1870,  Ann died in 1873, both in St Andrews West, Ontario.  I'm looking for evidence of where Patrick was born.  Are their any McAleers or others in this area with knowledge of this family who emigrated?

Friday 21st Feb 2014, 04:22PM

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