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I am searching for information and records of these great-great-grandparents. They are:

  • Michael Rowler, b.1823, in Youghalarra, Tipperary. His parents were Michael and Winifred Rowler (nee Deegan), no other details known.  Died 29 March 1896 in Chepstowe, Victoria, Australia.
  • Catherine Hogan, b.1835, in Nenagh, Tipperary.  Her parents were Cornelius and Sarah Hogan (nee Halbert), no other details known. Died 1901 in Carngham, Victoria, Australia.

Michael and Catherine were married in Youghal, about 1853, occupation farming.  They arrived in Australia 1853 on "Gredenda" where they had eight children. Their descendents included Sara Rowler b.26 Nov 1855, Michael James Quirk b.2 Oct 1874, and my father Linden Blair Quirk, b.17 Nov 1915 New Zealand.

Our family would be grateful for any assistance.  With best wishes.

Brendan Quirk, Wellington, New Zealand

Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 10:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Good morning Brendan,

    having had a quick look- this is some small bit of info on the Rowler family.

    there were Rowlers in the Youghalrra parish registers- they can be accessed through the pay for view site however I did not find reference to Michael. I found a James Rowler married to Bridget Seymour, who had one child baptised Ellen in 1838. And a Hugh Rowler married to Margaret Hogan, who had 6 children baptised between 1838-1849.

    then I looked for Rowlers in Griffiths Valuation online- googled Rowler, Youghalarra, griffiths- as nothing came up in out they are missing the vital page) found the following in the townland of Barbaha- Hugh, Michael, Patrick and William. griffiths Valuation was  a land registry taken for tax purposes between 1848-1853. 

    then I looked at the tithes Applotment books- land registry for 1828- which is available free online at There seems to be no Rowlers in Barbaha then, but some of the landholders had partners.

    Looked up the graveyard transcription book- no ref to Rowlers being buried in Youghalarra graveyard- however many people were buried without gravestones, and families are not always buried in the parish they lived in, but returned to original family plot.

    wish I could have been more help, 

    Monsea Tipperary

    Monday 3rd Mar 2014, 08:51AM
  • Hi ,

    My great great grandparents were Patrick & Elizabeth Rowler, they had a son Michael. They migrated to Australia & ran a sheep property first in Mount Mercer & Rokewood ( some burials are there )This is in Victoria ner Ballarat.  Patrick & Elizabeth moved to Mincha at Pyramid Hill Victoria with their family & 600 sheep.   Bridget Rowler was my great grandmother & her brother was Michael.

    Elizabeth was nee Cooney she & patrick were from Tipperarry. They died & are buried in pyramid Hill.

    My fifth cousin has a more fluent history of this if you would like more information.

    Kind Regards

    Barbara Smith

    Monday 28th Apr 2014, 12:03PM
  • Hello Barbara, my sincere apologies I have overlooked my Youghalarra parish line on XO for all this time and have just read your very helpful response of 28 April 2014.  I would very much appreciate contact as you suggest with your fifth cousin to discuss some gaps in my Rowler/Quirk research.  My email is if you or they would like to contact me.  I live in Wellington, NZ, where my father's Quirk family settled from Western Australia in 1913.  One of my late dad's brothers was called Milton Rowler Quirk. 

    Your great great grand parents Patrick Rowler (1820-1876) and Elizabeth Cooney (1824-1883) are my 2nd great great uncle and aunt, Patrick being a son of Michael Rowler (1796-1876) my 3rd great grand father.  His son Michael Rowler (1823-1896) and Catherine Hogan (1835-1901) had a daughter Sarah Rowler (1855-1932) who married my great grandfather Michael Quirk (1844-1903), and so on to me.

    I am interested in any info about the family in Youghalarra, Tipperary records, the burial site in Victoria of Michael Rowler (1796-1876), and the maternal lines associated with the Michael Rowlers.   With kind regards.

    Brendan Quirk

    brendan quirk

    Wednesday 16th Aug 2023, 11:28PM
  • Hello Barbara, just enquiring whether your fifth cousin is interested in discussing our mutual interest in the Rowlers from Youghalarra?

    Kind regards

    Brendan Quirk

    brendan quirk

    Wednesday 4th Oct 2023, 09:05AM

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