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My ancestors William Salter and Agnes ONeil were, according to Agnes' death certificate, married in Castlecomer approximately 1828.  There were seven children born between 1829-1845;


John - travelled to Australia 1856/7 with wife Anastasia (nee Murphy) and his sister Margaret

Sarah - travelled to Australia 1854 and married Pierre Descrimes 1856

Margaret - travelled to Australia 1856/7 with brother John and his wife

William - possibly died in Ireland before the rest of the family left




Agnes and three of her sons, Thomas, Peter and Martin, travelled to Australia in 1858.  Unfortunately Agnes died the following year and her death certificate states that William Salter her husband is deceased.  I am not sure if William (Snr) had come out to Australia earlier or had died in Kilkenny before the rest of the family left.  His son Martin's obituary states William was with the Royal Irish Constabulary but the majority of the children's marriage certificates list him as a farmer.

Does anyone have connections to this family or know where the Williams (Snr and Jnr) were buried?

Liz McPherson

Monday 17th Feb 2014, 06:12AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi again Liz

    No William Salter deaths in Kilkenny but 12 others on rootsireland.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 17th Feb 2014, 11:18AM
  • findmypast has

    Agnes Salter as a complaniant in Petty sessions in Kilkenny 1852

    and as a defendant in 1856. (no marriage given.)


    In 1913 a Constable Richard Slater  (RIC)  was a witness in Kilkenny Petty Sessions.


    Jack Mc Donald

    Monday 17th Feb 2014, 07:24PM


    Hi there Liz!

    I'm researching my family history and came across your post. My great, great, great grandmother was Agnes O'Neill. She is buried in Geelong, Victoria and I am guessing some of her children are too.

    My grandfather was William Salter, named after his grandfather who died in Australia 1948. All the best, Jacqui Salter





    Saturday 5th Sep 2020, 10:25AM
  • Hi Jacqui,

    Great to hear from another cousin.  Would you like to email me and we can sort out our relationship and share information?

    My email is

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Regards, Liz


    Liz McPherson

    Monday 7th Sep 2020, 03:54AM

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