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My name is Gerard McCartin. I am from Melbourne, Australia.

I am looking for information on my ancestor Michael McCartin. He lived at 37 (Old) English Street.

He left for Australia, aged 15 approx. 1870s.

We believe his father could of been a "brick carter" for when they built the Cathedral.

I will be visiting Ireland in April this year & will be in Armagh.

I would be grateful for any information you would have.

Thank you in advance,



Sunday 16th Feb 2014, 03:22AM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Gerard,

    Many of the church records are online.  If you go to and search for Michael Mc Cartin you will find a few records for the date range .  I found four records for a Michael Mc Cartin in Armagh between dates 1858 -1861.  Most people didn't know their date of birth as they didn't celebrate birthdays as we do today.

    As you don't know his parents names to know exactly which one of them is your ancestor, all I can suggest is that you go down through the names of his children and grandchildren .  Hopefully some of these names will be on one of the four records that you view.  It's just a place to start.  Hopefully some of the records may contain an address.  Armagh is both a town and a county, so I am assuming that he lived in the town?

    Look also at and search the Griffith Valuation for that surname.  It will be a matter of gradually eliminating some of the records before you can find the correct one.

    As you are searching, just put in a name at first and gradually refine the search with more information .  Keep your dates broad adding at least 5 years before and after in your parameters.

    Of course the correct place to start would be the passenger lists to Australia.  They kept fabulous records.  Do you know what state he arrived at?  Approximate year?  The name McCartin wouldn't be excessively common and so might stand out on record.  Many of these records (and indeed in my own case) contain information of parents names and who sponsored their trip out.  This should be your first port of call in your search, because you are then working with some definite information.

    If you have any questions, please just ask and I shall endeavour to help if I can,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Monday 17th Feb 2014, 01:51PM
  • Gerard


    I can tumble your brick wall.  Please reply.

    My email:


    Sean McCartan

    Thursday 10th Jul 2014, 03:09PM

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