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Posting the information here as not yet sure of exact county

James Elliott born about 1839 +/- 2 years - his father was Thomas Elliott born ?? 

James Elliott married 1861 Emily Fleeson - Killucan, Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland

Think James may have been a policeman and therefore can't serve in the county where he was born, so if married in Killucan (possibly Emily's home town) then where was James born?

James Elliott was a policeman in Australia and his son John Plunkett Elliott also became a policeman in Australia

James and Emily had a son born abt 1861 John Plunkett Elliott in Ireland and then a daughter Sarah Elliott abt 1863 - next child born in Highgate London 1866, then to Australia 1867

Some clues indicate a Thomas Elliott - Taghsheenod, Townland Abbydarrick and someone has suggested James Elliott born Longford - I am unfamiliar with these names

Also a Thomas Elliott in Castletowndelvin, Townland Painstown

Plunkett Fleeson (father of Emily Fleeson) also at Castletowndelvin, Townland Castletown

and Plunkett Fleeson Parish Castletowndelvin, Townland Mooretown

Emily Fleeson is my great great grandmother

Any information or clues to research greatly appreciated, thanks ............. Alison - Australia

Monday 10th Feb 2014, 07:27AM

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