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I'm wondering if anyone can help me find a list of the Priests who were in the Naas Roman Catholic Parish in 1925? On a 1925 marriage certificate of my great grandparents, the priest was Rev J/T Brennan CC. The witness to their marriage also had the initial of J/T but I am unsure of what letter it is. I have attached a cropped scan showing the handwriting. The 'J' in John is different to 'J' initials, and so this has made me unsure if the initials are a 'J' or 'T'.



Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 02:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • cropped scan

    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 03:05PM
  • Martin:

    I would contact the church directly. They should be able to assist you.  I did find a reference to a Fr. Owen Brennan in that time period on another site.

    My inital reaction was that the letter was a "C".

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 03:54PM
  • Thanks Roger, I have emailed the church and will wait for their reply.

    I've also found that reference to Fr. Owen Brennan, and it definitely seems he would have been the priest who married my great grandparents.

    It is a different looking 'O' on the record, but as a name of 'O'Brien' was on the certificate I was able to confirm it was an 'O'. Some people have told me they think the next initial is an 'I'. I know my Great Granddad Callan on this record had a sibling Joseph and also another sibling called Jane, so they could be the Callan witness. Would you be able to please tell me if think this other initial is an 'I' or a 'J'?






    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 11:25AM
  • Martin:



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 04:35PM
  • Cheers

    Thursday 6th Feb 2014, 12:43PM

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