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I am looking for Anthony Malone (1827-1866) and Bridget Anne Murray (no birth date ..went to SA on the Corona 1882 with the younger boys and died in 1904) from Cloonbony, Milltown Malbay, Kilfarboy. They had 10 children...Martin bpt 1848 (no trace), Michael..bpt 1849 (went to US on the Spain in 1872), Anthony...bpt 1851 (went to SA on the Camperdown 1878), Thomas... bpt 1853 (went to SA but I don't know when/how), James...bpt 1855 (to SA on the Holmsdle 1879), Ellen...bpt 1857 (only girl, died in 1875), John...bpt 1859 (to SA on the Nebo in 1882), Patrick...bpt 1861 (to SA on the Corona 1882), Martin Joseph...bpt 1863 (to SA on the Corona), Peter Albert...bpt 1865 (to SA on the Corona 1882). I cannot find any reference to Anthony and Bridget Anne's marriage anywhere..perhaps they didn't marry!! She was known as Anne. They appear on the Griffiths Valuation. Bridget Anne took over the lease when Anthony died (typhoid). I assume that the 1st Martin died as they named another child Martin 15 years later. If they followed the Irish naming pattern, Anthony's father was named Martin and Bridget Anne's father was Michael. Thomas Malone and James Murray would have been Anthony and Bridget Anne's grandfathers. Ellen may have been named after Bridget Anne's mother. I cannot find them anywhere. Surely they could not have been so insignificant so as not to have left a trail.. Any ideas folks????



Monday 6th Jan 2014, 10:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Toni,

    According to this site, the RC parish of Milltownmalbay has baptism records from 1831 but the marriages don?t start till November 1856. (Earlier records either weren?t kept or have been lost). That would account for your inability to find the marriage. (It would be very unusual in a rural area for the couple not to be married, and if it were the case the baptismal record would note it).

    Also, as far as I am aware RC parish records for Co Clare are not on the rootisireland site, not on any other on-line site. There?s a copy in the National Library in Dublin, another with Clare HGC, and the originals should still be with the parish. So even for records that do potentially exist (ie the childrens baptisms) you are unlikely to get them on-line.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 6th Jan 2014, 12:22PM
  • Thank you very much for your reply. I do have the 10 children's baptismal certificate from 1848-1865 from the Millton Malbay Church. There isn't any notes stating that they weren't married. I was under the impression that Root's Ireland was realeasing the Clare records and they would be online early 2014.

    Bridget Anne went under the name of Anne except for the Griffiths Valuation and the grave stone in South Australia (1904).


    Kindest Regards,



    Monday 6th Jan 2014, 09:00PM
  • Hi Toni,

    I have tried sending you a reply on here twice now and it does not seem to want to send. See the following, Anthony Mullone and Anne Murray

    Martin 22 March 1848, Michael 3 Oct 1849, Anthony 20 Nov 1851, Thomas 21 Dec 1853, James 13 Oct 1855, Ellen 11 Oct 1857, John 4 June 1859, Patk 26 Jan 1861, Martin 7 March 1863, Peter 29 July 1865.


    All the Malones are gone from Clonbony/ Kilfarboy townlands now. There were Malones married to Carrolls and to Meades there whose descendants would be living in Co Meath and in  the USA. Some live in other parts of Co Clare. The marriage records would have started too late to have this marriage recorded. You can be assured that Anthony and Ann were married.

    Don't know if you know if James went to SA - See inscription on grave in Kilfarboy cemetary, IHS Erected by Catherine Malone and family, Kilfarboy in memory of her dearly beloved husband James Malone who died October 20-Sept-1940 aged 87 years.

    See in the tithes and applotmets list for 1827 the Mullones who were tennants and were paying tithes. There was a Martin Mullone listed for Newtown Inagh also some families in Carrowkeale Kilfarboy which is very near Clonboney and sometimes interchangeable. If you would like to contact me on my personal email do so at

    Friday 17th Jan 2014, 10:14AM
  • Friday 17th Jan 2014, 10:19AM

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