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Edward Maroney, and spouse Catherine McMullen left Ireland sometime around 1830 and apparently gave birth to a son Daniel W on the boat to the USA and arrived at an unknown port.  Lived in Pennsylvania initially and settled in Michigan.  According to the daughter (first cousin of my grandfather) of a sister of Daniel, the family came from County Clare.  It is possilbe on the same ship, came John Maroney, who might have been a brother or Son to Edward.  It is possible based on some information documented from the late 1800's, that Edward was NOT the father of Daniel, but a John might have been.  We have fairly good information that Edward and Catherine had three daughters, Margaret b1813, Bridget b1814, Ellen b1818.  We also show a John b1818, Catherine b1820, Elizabeth b1822 but are unsure if they belonged to Edward and Catherine.  Daniel W is my GGG'grandfather born approximately 1830-1831.  If anyone can assist us in locating additional information in the next 6 months that would be very helpful as we are taking a family trip to Ireland this summer and my elderly father would "like to see his homeland".

Thank You,

Mike Maroney



Monday 6th Jan 2014, 02:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mike:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  There were Moroneys in the parish of Tulla (as well as other villages in County Clare).  There is another person who is researching the same family in Clare, and if you would email me at, I can send you more details. 


    In the meantime, the parish register in Tulla starts in 1819 which may be of some use to you.  I will take a look at the two surnames and let you know.

    In the meantime, you might (if you have not already done so) take a look at the Clare County Library website which has a lot of very good genealogical resources online.  Their website is


    I will be in touch with you again shortly.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 6th Jan 2014, 05:15PM

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