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Hi there,

I have an ancestor, Overington Blunden, listed as living here (I think) in the 1600's.  But I have two different sources, giving me two different spellings of the place name - neither of which I can find when I Google them.  I am trying to ascertain which is the correct spelling, and whether the two places are actually one and the same, or two completely separate places.

Source 1 is the Index to prerogative wills of Ireland, 1536 - 1810 where it states that his will was proved in 1685 : Blunden, Overington; Clanmoreney, Lib. of Kilkenny; gent.

Source 2 is the 1659 Census of Ireland where he appeared as Overington Blunden, gentleman, and the Parish in Clonmorny, Kilkenny, Ireland was listed as "Belonging to St. Kennis Butts".

Now the closest hit I can find on the internet via a quick Google search is Clonamery.  Is this the same place as the above two that I have mentioned?

Any assistace would be greatly appreciated?

Kind regards,


Sunday 5th Jan 2014, 11:28AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Leeanne,

    Thanks for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers who hoefuuly may have some insights on this.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Friday 21st Feb 2014, 12:48PM
  • Thank you Emma! I appreciate that as I still am looking for an answer to this question.

    Friday 21st Feb 2014, 06:19PM
  • Hi again Leeanne,

    Our volunteer, Pat, has come back to me with a response. Please see the attachment. If you have trouble viewing the attachment please email me at and I will forward it to you that way.

    All the best,



    Tuesday 25th Feb 2014, 10:10AM
  • Hi Emma,

    I was able to open the attachment.  Pat has given me such an informative answer to the question and I am so grateful.  I will e-mail her seperately also to say thank you as she has provided her e-mail address in the attachment.

    Thank you so much for your assistance, and for passing the query on to Pat!!

    Kind regards,


    Tuesday 25th Feb 2014, 05:55PM
  • Hi Leeann.

    Yes did great work! IJust so that you know however, Pat is short for Patrick not Patricia!

    All the best,

    Emma :)

    Friday 28th Feb 2014, 10:28AM
  • Oh my soul! I had thought he was a she! Thank you :-)

    Saturday 1st Mar 2014, 09:29AM

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