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Seeking ancestors of my grt grt grandmother Catherine MAHER b 1830/35c in Tipperary.

Catherine's parents - Michael & Ellen (STAPLETON) MAHER.  Michael a farmer.

Catherine marr James WHITE b1828 Roscommon, a convict - I did find a marr of James WHITE & Catherine MAHER of Pallas on 25/7/1847.  Witnesses Jas MAHER & Mary MAHER.

James came out to Western Australia aboard the "Robert Small" arr Aug  1853 (Sentenced 1850).

It seems that Catherine (24) & child Mary (5) dcd? were at Pallace in 1854. Therefore Catherine b1830, Mary b1849. (Tipperary Emigrants)

1856 Catherine came out to W Aust aboard "Travancore".

I have all details of James conviction, & records of his & Catherine's family life in W Aust.

I would love to find out more on their roots in Ireland.  Am I able to get a copy of their marriage record?


Many thanks



Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 09:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Col,

    In order to get a copy of the marriage record you will probably have to write to the local parish priest. Alternatively, you could try contacting the local family history centre as they will probably have copies. Here are the email for the South Tipperary Family History Centre:

    Best wishes,

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 03:45PM

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