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Distant neighbors, 

My name is Jim McNamara.  My great, great grandfather (Thomas McNamara; b ~1834) immigrated to New York City in 1956 with wife Ann Faul (married ~1855;b ~1835) and son John (~1856).  There is family information available on that suggests that Thomas McNamara was from Kilmaley Parish.  There is no source attached to it and at this point I am unable to identify who posted that information. I don't have marriage information for them or baptismal for John.

I've looked at some basic information available online and see that there are a numerous McNamara's associated with the parish.  Additionally, there appear to be Faul's (Fawl's) as well.

Thomas' parents are reported in as John (b1810) and Ellen (Jourdan; b1810).  They were reportedly married on 15 Feb 1829 in Parteen and Meelick Parish.

Appreciate any assistance you can give.  I will be vacationing in Ireland next Spring and would like to visit Kilmaley with my family if some connection seems likely.



Sunday 15th Dec 2013, 12:14AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jim:

    If you have not done so already, you may want to go to the Co. Clare library site and see if you can find any info for Kilmaley parish and your McNamaras.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 15th Dec 2013, 01:34AM
  • Roger     thanks for the response.  Yes, I have reviewed that resource and was not fortunate enough to find it useful for me.  Will continue to work at it!     

    thanks again.      Jim McNamara

    Sunday 15th Dec 2013, 05:19PM
  • Hello Jim

    I am sorry for the late response.

    Your query has been passed to our RO Team. 

    They will contact you directly with their response.

    Kind regards


    Sheila Considine

    Pasrish Liaison


    Thursday 30th Jan 2014, 11:41AM
  • Sheila     thanks so much for the reply - it is a busy time of year!

    I have been following up from here in the US as well and have more information.

    From my great, great grandfather's death certificate it appears that his middle initial may be H.  So full name of my ancestor who emigrated from Ireland is Thomas H. McNamara.  His bank account in the New York City notes he was from County Clare.  His date of birth varies between early 1830's and 1837; 1834 is a common date given.  On his death certificate his parents are given as John and Bridget - this is different than the earlier info I had about an Ellen Jourdan and a marriage near Limerick.

    Ann Faul (birth about 1835; spelling of last name is variable; phonetically it is the same) is his wife (marriage about 1855).  New information from her death certificate is the name of her parents - John and Ann Faul.

    Thomas and Ann had one child born in Ireland - approx Jan 1856 - named John.

    thanks very much for your assistance.    

    Jim McNamara


    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 05:43PM
  • Sheila     thanks so much for the reply - it is a busy time of year!

    I have been following up from here in the US as well and have more information.

    From my great, great grandfather's death certificate it appears that his middle initial may be H.  So full name of my ancestor who emigrated from Ireland is Thomas H. McNamara.  His bank account in the New York City notes he was from County Clare.  His date of birth varies between early 1830's and 1837; 1834 is a common date given.  On his death certificate his parents are given as John and Bridget - this is different than the earlier info I had about an Ellen Jourdan and a marriage near Limerick.

    Ann Faul (birth about 1835; spelling of last name is variable; phonetically it is the same) is his wife (marriage about 1855).  New information from her death certificate is the name of her parents - John and Ann Faul.

    Thomas and Ann had one child born in Ireland - approx Jan 1856 - named John.

    thanks very much for your assistance.    

    Jim McNamara


    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 05:45PM

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