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Starting a search to determine which Parish, or area of Ireland Robert Majuary born 1803  and Jane Kerr 

born 1810  .  They emigrated to Canada in the 1800's  thanks for any informaion

Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 04:11PM

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  • robert MAJUARY,,BORN 1803  Ireland

    Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 04:14PM
  • Hello Gene,

    I've done a quick search of  and    and   and the 1901 and 1911 census,  but there are no records for the name Majuary.  I can't say I have ever heard of the name or know anybody with that name.

    I'm wondering if perhaps he was born into a military family from England but stationed in Ireland??

    Sorry that I can't help, maybe someone else out ther can help,

    Anne Dennehy

    Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 06:18PM
  • The name nowadays tends to be Majury. Looking at the 1911 Irish census there were 94 of them, mostly in Cos Antrim or Down and mostly Presbyterian. That tells you they are almost certainly descended form Scots settlers who came to Ireland in the 1600s.

    Here?s a link to a website that gives the origin, or origins of the name. They offer two possibles. Beyond agreeing that the surname is known in Scotland, my personal view is that they are probably guessing the meaning or origins of the name. But descendants of Scots who settled in Ireland in the 1600s does seem to be highly likely.

    Kerr is a common Scottish surname also found in Antrim & Down and, to me, that also points to those counties as your ancestors likely origins.

    I'd focus your searech on Cos Antrim & Down.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 08:23PM

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