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John Joseph Markham (Marcum) married Mary Sullivan born circa 1800 -1810 and married circa 1820"s and had 5 boys, l deceased and 3 girls.  They lived in Quin above Clooney, County Clare up to 1860 when the youngest son Martin and his sister Bridget came to Australia (according to the shipping records).   Martin's 3 other brothers including Michael, Daniel, Patrick were already living in Maitland area of New South Wales Australia.    Michael had married in Ireland and bought his wife to Australia.

The two sisters Mary the oldest born circa 1829 and Anne were left at home to look after John Joseph and Mary Sullivan Markham.   The family had farmed 13 and half acres at "Toonagh" Quin above Clooney in County Clare with Mary Sullivan Markham's brother of father Patt (O) Sullivan.

The family did well in Australia and want to know what happened to the 2 sisters and the parents.

It was after the "diaspora" which they seemed to survive and the 2 girls may have married local men and had children.

We are not related to the Markhams of Six mile bridge whose descendant is now an author.

Any clues, advice or descendants names appreciated.

Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 09:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Carolyn:

    I looked at the 1901 census for Toonagh townland Clooney civil parish. ( There is also a Toonagh in Dysert parish). There were two Annes in the townland who were widows with children. One was an Anne Moroney and the other was an Anne Carmody. Possible leads? They were not listed in Toonagh in 1911.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Dec 2013, 01:35AM
  • Dear Roger, Thank you very much for this.  It is certainly possible as Anne was born 1834 (circa) so she would be 67.   I really appreciate you helping me like this and will look forward to following it up.  Hope you have a stress free Christmas, its coming up too fast.  Cheers for now, Carolyn

    Thursday 5th Dec 2013, 06:53AM
  • Dear Carolyn:


    Many thanks for your message to the message board.  I will check with a local man that I know in the next week and I will make contact with you. If you are not already aware, there are excellent online resources on the Clare Library website at  under the Genealogy Tab. 

    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 8th Dec 2013, 08:24PM
  • Dear Jane, that is so kind of you.  Thank you.  Yes that is how I found John Joseph Markham (Marcum) farmed the 13 and half acres at Toonagh with his brother or father in law Patt Markham. But not knowing who the sisters may have married makes it harder to look for on the Clare Library site. Cheers Carolyn

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 01:17AM
  • Dear Carolyn:


    Here is some of the information that I have for you:


    John Joseph Markham & Mary Sullivan had the following children:

    1.  Martin 10/4/1843

    Bridget 11/10/1840

    Daniel 27/6/1834

    Michael 26/9/1827

    Patrick 10/4/1832

    Pat 1/3/1838

    Mary 12/8/1827

    Anne 30/6/1837.


    I can follow through further if you like.  There is a Michael Markham who married in Quin, but I'm not sure if you are interested in his details.  There are two entries:  Eliza Power and Margaret Hogan.  Which one sounds correct to you?

    I will keep looking for Anne and Mary.  There appear to be marriages and I will get back to you re dates.


    Please join the Quin Page and many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 13th Dec 2013, 04:35PM
  • Dear Jane, Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put into this.  I really do appreciate it.

    I would love it if you would look for Anne and Mary and having their dates now can give some idea when they married - say 17 to 40 years after their birth date.

    That might tell if I still have relatives in Ireland.  

    As to Michael, he married Anne McNamara and was married when he first came out here. She was born about 1835 in County Clare and Married in 1856. in Ireland.  

    From details you sent, we have established that Bridget McNamara and Maurice Littleton were Mary's sponsors and Thomas McNamara and Margaret Lynch were Daniel's sponsors, so I dont know if there is a best friend/girl next door component here, as the families grew up as neighbours.  Although Michael was at least 8 years older than Anne McNamara.

    All the family moved to Maitland in the Hunter Valley near Central Coast of NSW and when I put a little ad in the paper for Markham's," they all came out of the woodwork" and we have established that 3 yes, 3 different Markham families all descended on Hunter Valley after all leaving County Clare.

     Big problem overhere is that the boys were all called similar names, eg. Martin and Patrick, Daniel etc. so been a bit of a puzzle to work them out in correct families,  and then our Patrick married the daughter Bridget of the Markhams (of Raymond Terrace).  Unfortunately he died, as you have noted did his namesake 6 years before he was born and there is no issue.

    I found all my mob from Michael, Daniel, Bridget and Martin here in OZ.   Would be a huge family if 

    we all got together and unfortunately it is the great grandchildren and their children left and the others have gone "home"  RIP.

    Those girls left in Ireland are the key and I would be so grateful if you would continue on the "hunt".

    Finally, with a number of us searching there has been a suggestion that the matriach Ann Sullivan Markham may have died in 1869,  There is no concrete proof of that however.  Nothing on John Joseph's Markham's passing at all.

    All the best for the coming festive season and many blessings.  Cheers Carolyn.

    Saturday 14th Dec 2013, 01:11AM
  • Hi Jane, 

    thanks for your advice to join Quin page which I have done and put the message on there as well.

    Kind regards, Carolyn,

    Saturday 14th Dec 2013, 01:24AM

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