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My g-grandfather, Denis Minogue (1845-1930) left Ireland to New York from Queenstown in 1866. I know he spent some time in Dublin before he emigrated. I have no parent names and only know of one brother, Daniel Minogue (1849-1915) and a half sister known as Ann Hogan (Mrs. Hogan). I know that Mrs. Hogan remained in Ireland and that Daniel also immigrated to the US. Other family members have been told that ALL the Minogues must be related but once they arrived in the US, none of them seemed to talk about their previous lives. My family settled in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Daniel's family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Any help finding parents or other siblings would be greatly appreciated. If I am in the wrong parish, please let me know. Thank you!

Friday 22nd Nov 2013, 05:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • Cheryl:

    If you have not already, you may want to visit the Clare library site

    I did look at the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing. There were a number of Minogues in Scariff civil parish. See link. Possibly Daniel's father had the same name as Daniel's eldest son.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 22nd Nov 2013, 06:16PM
  • Roger,

    Thanks for your reply. I have checked both sites. The Griffiths Valuation was 1855; my g-grandfather was born in 1845 and his brother in 1949. Would they not have been too young to be listed?

    My g-grandfather's only son was named Daniel Joseph and the Joseph name has been passed down on that side but only one boy was born in each generation.  Daniel had one son, John E. and he did not have a son.   I don't think the family kept to the Irish naming patterns and seemed to produce mostly girls.


    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 04:23PM
  • Cheryl:

    The Griffiths survey only showed head of households who owned or leased land. Chilrden were not listed.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 05:12PM
  • Roger,

    I thought so and I'm not totally sure of the exact place the family lived so have no clue as to the head of household. Still looking and I WILL find them no matter how long it takes. :)


    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 05:30PM
  • Hi Cheryl:


    You might be interested to see the message that has been posted by Diane who is looking for a Dennis Minogue from Scariff.  Although I believe that the dates may not be exact, there is a Hogan connection too.  In addition, if you look at what I replied--basically to go to the Clare Library website, you should start there and see what info you can find.  The address is:


    If you need further help, please contact me.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 08:50PM
  • THANK YOU Jane! I have sent Diane a message.




    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 09:35PM
  • I have Minogue ancestors from near Scariff.  They lived in Derrycon.  Information that I was provided by the Clare Heritage Centre was that they originated in Woodford Parish, Galway.  This area of County Clare is along the border of County Galway.  In fact, prior to Griffith valuation, Derrycon was in County Galway.  Mountshannon was called Inischaltra.  Anyway,  I have not gotten too far searching for Minogue but other Minogues have contacted me.  One person is heavily researching the line for that area.  The challenges are the lack of records and that a lot of the male members (and females, too) have the same first names.  What I have going for me is that my Hickey's and Hayes are from the area.  They originate in Loughatorick.  This grouping of my own relatives gives me more confirmation that I've found the correct people.  I just don't know how all of the Minogues are related from this area.  I have other ancestors from Ballyvannon, Clare and they had Minogue neighbors.  Minogue seems rather common to this area.  Again, Woodford Parish, County Galway, is where I was advised to continue searching.  I have not had time to pursue that.  


    Friday 21st Jul 2017, 05:13PM
  • Hello Kristin & others,

    I have Scariff, Co. Clare Minogue m. to what I believe to be my Mason line.  As I understand, two brothers left Parteen to obtain farmland in Scariff/Sheaun.  I'd be happy to share what little Minogue information I have.

    Judith Mason

    Chicago, IL



    Friday 21st Jul 2017, 09:51PM

    Hello From Chicago,

    A group of us Minogue descendants have found many Minogue ancestors and we are putting together a family tree.  If you would like more information, you can reach me at    I travel back to Ireland about 4 times a year and know many of my Loughnane, Minogue, and Tobin cousins.

    Patrick (Paddy) Savage



    Tuesday 16th Jul 2019, 04:37PM
  • Dear Paddy:

    Thank you for posting about the descendants and the work that you are doing with other relatives on the family tree.  Would you or one of the cousins also consider creating a few Ancestor Profiles under the XO Chronicles feature on the website?  This would be a great help and it would also give further information about the Minogue family to any member  with an interest in the Minogues.  The link is here for ease of reference:


    If you have any questions, please let me know.


    All the best with your research.


    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 17th Jul 2019, 09:55AM
  • Hi Jane, I can do that.  It will have to be next week.  Thanks for the suggestion.  All the best,  Paddy                                     



    Wednesday 17th Jul 2019, 11:49AM

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