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I am looking for information on Farrell Cornelly. He was born in Melan Co Kings Island in 1808.

Private Farrell Cornelly of 65th Regiment. He enlisted May 1825 aged 17, at Roscommon, Ireland. He served for 20 years including 8 years in the West Indies, 3 1/2years in North America and received two Good Conduct medals. He was discharged on the 28th July 1846 in Chatham.

Farrell enlisted in Enrolled Pensioner Force c. 1851 England. He embarked for Western Australia January 1852, Tilbury on William Jardine. Arrived Fremantle 2 August 1852, arrived Port Lynton 1853 and was discharged Perth Western Australia 1856.

Farrell married Bridget O'Loughlan/O'Laughlin ( daughter of Terrence ). in Ireland and travelled to Australia with Bridget and daughter Ellen ( my 2x grandmother).

I am hoping to find out more about Farrell, his family & Bridget. Can anyone help?





Saturday 16th Nov 2013, 11:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi - Some sites & services which may assist your search are:

    British parliamentary papers on Ireland can be found at:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:

    Irish Newspaper Archives:

    Wishing you the best of luck with your search.


    Genealogy support


    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 10:57AM
  • Thank you for your reply, I will check these websites out. Sorry I took so long to reply.

    Cheers, Di.


    Friday 7th Feb 2014, 08:29AM
  • Hello Di from Perth (Western Australia (WA)).
    I was doing some internet searches tonight after being given some information yesterday by a connection to my family and found a post you had recorded looking for information on Farrell Cornally.
    He is connected to me through his wife Bridget. She married again after Farrell died to Charles Eastaugh. Bridget and Charles are my Great Great Great Grandparents on my mothers side of the family.
    So I thought I would pass on some information that might be of interest to you if you haven’t found out anything yet.
    Farrell and Bridget (nee O’Loughlin) came to WA on the William Jardine a 671 ton ship built in Liverpool in 1836. They left Plymouth on 3/5/1852 and arrived in Fremantle (WA) on 1/8/1852. The voyage took 88 days and the ship carried the seventh of 37 shipments of male convicts destined for WA.
    Of the people of board 102 were passengers of which 95 were Pensioner Guards and their families of which Farrell, Bridget and daughter Ellen were amongst them and 212 convicts.
    Farrell an Enrolled Pensioner Guard and Bridget and Ellen on arrival were based at the Bassendean prison camp when they arrived and lived in tents. Bassendean is approx. 30 kms from Fremantle and funnily enough I live just north of that suburb here in Perth. After spending the summer in Perth Farrell was posted to the Fort Lynton Convict Hiring Depot (about 5 ½ / 6 hours drive north of Perth) in 1853 and again the only accommodation was in tents. I have had the pleasure of going to Fort Lynton a few years ago and had a look at the restoration work they are doing.
    Pensioner Guards were promised 10 acres of land and assistance to build a cottage after serving a period of 7 years as guards for the convicts. However at Lynton the area of land allocated was 3 acres of good ground.
    Farrell and Bridget had 3 children:
    Ellen – Born 1849 in Ireland. She married 1st on 13/11/1866 local farmer John Olley/Holley and they had 6 children Joseph, Eliza Bp 1872, Emily, Susan B 1875, Jenny/Elizabeth B 1879 and Jack B 1880. And 2nd husband Anthony O’Malley on 22/6/1881 at Geraldton.
    Emily/Elizabeth – Born 1853 at Fremantle WA. Married Thomas O’Donnell at Geraldton in 1881 or 1884.
    Farrell – Born 1/9/1856 at Fort Lynton. He was baptised Edward John Cornally and known as Edward. He married at Greenough on 8/1/1878 Mary Culloton who bore him 5 children – Edward John B 1878 (lived 1 day), Edward John B 1879, Joseph Michael B1881, Bridget Augustine B 1891 and Julia B 1892. He died in Perth in 1941.
    I may have more on Farrell and Bridget’s children but would have to go searching for the info which I can’t lay my hands on at the moment.
    Farrell Cornally senior died on 26/10/1856 at Fort Lynton just 25 days after his son was born. Superintendant Corporal Bruce Doran wrote his cause of death as heat exhaustion and sunstroke. From records people have looked it appears he had been sick for some time though he was given a medical clearance when he signed on as a Pensioner Guard. His fellow soldiers erected a limestone tombstone on his grave at Lynton Burial Reserve. When I visited Fort Lynton I did see 3 headstones but at the time I didn’t know one of them belonged to Farrell. In hindsight I should have taken photos. Hopefully we may get back up their this year when we go to the Eastaugh 60 years since Charles came to WA anniversary get together. So I can have a look for it.
    As Farrell had only served 5 years as a Pensioner Guard Bridget was not entitled to the grant that he was have been entitled to after 7 years.
    She took her 3 children to the nearby Wayside Inn which had been established in 1853 by Francis Watson Pearson where she was employed as a servant.
    It was here that she met convict Charles Eastaugh who was a teamster working for the company operating the Geraldine lead mine. The mining company employed ticket-of-leave convicts as labourers and teamsters. Charles had arrived on the Ramilies on 7/8/1854 and was a former blacksmith/wheelwright.
    When the authorities decided to abandon the Fort Lynton depot (closed in 1857) the convicts were transferred via Geraldton to the Greenough Hiring Depot (both south of Fort Lynton). Charles and Bridget had a formal arrangement which enabled her and her 3 children to travel to Geraldton when the convicts moved.
    Charles and Bridget were married in Geraldton 14/11/1857 before moving to Greenough. Charles was allocated to John Sydney Davis at his Tibradden property where Bridget also gained work and were able to take her 3 children.
    Charles and Bridget had 7 children together and they have a very large family still based in the Geraldton/Greenough area.
    Farrell and Bridget’s children:
    The 2 girls trained as domestic servants and Edward in handling stock. From any early age he was sent to lonely outcamps to shepherd the sheep flocks and most of his companions were the aboriginals. During the years ahead the knowledge he learn’t from these people put him in good stead as he was an accomplished stockman and sought after as a guide for pastoralists seeking new land and he also became a respected guide and informant for anthropologist Daily Bates.
    Charles and Bridget left Tibradden after Charles received his pardon and went to the Chapman Valley (east of Geraldton) and he set up a blacksmiths shop. They also purchased large parcels of land just north of Geraldton. Some of this land is still in the family name. And it is truly beautiful.
    Charles died 13/12/1885 at their farm property at Darbys Gully (north of Geraldton) and Bridget died their also on 23/10/1892.
    I hope this is of help to you.


    Monday 10th Feb 2014, 12:33PM
  • Hi Jenny

    Wow, I did know some of this information about Farrell & Bridget, thank you but you have given so much more detail. :) I found them also on the Welcome Wall in Fremantle.

    I know that Ellen was born in Cornwall in 1842 according to her Death certificate.

    By the way, did I say that Farrell & Bridget were my 3rd Great Grandparents. My grandmother was Bridget O'Donnell b.1908 the youngest of Emily & Thomas O'Donnell's children. Emily is the daughter of Ellen Holley ( Cornelly ). Where do you fit in to this family tree?

    Maybe you can answer something for me. I have not been able to find a Birth certificate for Emily and I can only find 6 children born to John & Ellen Holley. Are Emily & Elizabeth the same person? But that can't be right because Emily's death certificate says she was born in 1868 and Elizabeth shows up onthe BD&M Register as being born in 1877. I am confused and have been also because on the BD&M register the children's mother is listed as Emily Holley or Emily Olley or Emily Olly & also Emily Wheelock!

    If you do go back for the Eastough 60 years, do you think you could ask some of the older people there if they know anything of Emily especially the Wheelock mystery? I would love a copy of the headstones too if you get to photograph them. Would you mind?

    Do you know anything of Farrell & bridget's life before they came to Australia?

    Poor Farrell, he must have been looking forward to his own acres of land when he finished being a Pensioner Guard and Bridget, what a strong woman. Doing what she had to for her family.

    Where did you say you lived Jenny? I live in Perth, WA.

    I am so happy to have made contact with you and I appreciate you answering my message.

    I hope to hear from you again. My email address is

    Look forward to hearing from you, Di.


    Monday 10th Feb 2014, 02:44PM

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