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I am 57 and live near Birmingham.   I never met my father....   and would like to find out more about his family.

All I know is....  in the mid 1950s he worked in the Butchers is Ashford,  We think he was related to the owners of the shop (Kavenagh ?)    He used to travel to England (birmingham area) to visit his brother in the early 1950s where he met my mother.   We visited Ashford 10 years ago but got nowhere !!

Not much to go on but can anyone help or suggest how I can find out more ?

Sunday 10th Nov 2013, 10:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Paul,

    We'll need some more details about you father - year of birth (or approximate) & first name / names

    I assume his surname is Donovan

    Do you know any of the brothers' names and approximate birth years?



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 10th Nov 2013, 10:17AM
  • Hi....  

    Confusingly my adopted fathers name was Donovan ( he lived in East London )

    My real fathers name was Thomas Gregan...   would have been born around 1935. He had a brother who lived in England called Michael.   

    His Uncles ran the butchers in Ashford...  Mark & Noel Kavenah.  

    Sunday 10th Nov 2013, 10:25AM
  • Hi Paul,

    The records on the site I use to find Irish births, deaths & marriages only go to 1920 so no luck with 1935 but there is a Thomas Gregan born 1883 in Wicklow. there were also some Michael Gregans: 1886, 1895 & 2 in 1896

    There are 40 Gregans in Wicklow in the 1901 & 1911 Irish Census which are free to search online

    Thomas is not on any public member trees on ancestry

    On search Gregan Wicklow RESIDENTIAL and you'll find 6 Gregans still in Wicklow. We have had success from people writing to those still living in the area of their ancestors so it may be worth a try.

    Perhaps one of the Wicklow experts will be of more help.



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 10th Nov 2013, 11:33AM
  • Hi Paul

    I just came across your post. I'm not sure if you managed to find out much given you posted this a year ago but I think I may have some information that could helpful in your search.

    Feel free to get in touch if you want.




    Tuesday 25th Nov 2014, 01:22PM


    Hi paul

    Have just seen your old post. My father is also Thomas Gregan who came from Ashford and worked for his uncles butchers!  Do you know of his middle name or if he had a sister? I also know little about him if it is the same person!





    Sunday 31st May 2015, 01:23PM
  • Dave....

    Many Thanks for your message.....

    Middle name Joseph (I think)   had a sister called Philameana ....

    Same person ?

    Please get back in-touch



    Monday 1st Jun 2015, 02:13PM
  • Cas....

    Only just read your message... !!!

    I've not made any progress since posting my original message....#

    ... if you have any information it would be much appreciated.


    Paul    (   07879 811130

    Monday 1st Jun 2015, 02:19PM


    Hi paul

    My dads middle name was Raymond so not sure but find it hard to believe they both worked for same butchers and both uncles with same name?!

    Were you aware of an incident that took place at the butchers?   Have you a copy of the book pictorial history of Ashford? There is a picture of Tom Gregan at school 1937 who I have been told was my dad. Was your mum Irish. My mum is from East London. What's your mums name?






    Monday 1st Jun 2015, 05:13PM

    Hi paul


    Have you found any further info ? when my dad left Ireland he came to poplar in East london. Do you think same person?

    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 11:01AM
  • Dave...

    Certainly could be the same person...

    I sent the following to a local Wicklow newspaper hoping they would investigate...

    in 1955 Tom worked in the butchers in Ashford, Co Wicklow. My gran had gone there, from Birmingham, to ask him to come back. His family or Cousins owned / ran the butchers. I remember the name Gregan but are not 100% sure. I also thought he had a brother called Michael. In 1997 my wife, kids and I. visited Ashford,  but found out nothing.  I left it for 5 more years...  then, in 2002 wrote to every Gregan in County Wicklow. Got a phone call from a lady who gave me the following information.... that Tom was my father. She said he had moved to London (Poplar) and had 7 children (one died young) She said that TOM had died around 2000.  he had a sister ... Phyliss ?

    I don't know anymore...... what do you know ?

    Cheers Paul

    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 07:50PM
  • Dave...

    Certainly could be the same person...

    I sent the following to a local Wicklow newspaper hoping they would investigate...

    in 1955 Tom worked in the butchers in Ashford, Co Wicklow. My gran had gone there, from Birmingham, to ask him to come back. His family or Cousins owned / ran the butchers. I remember the name Gregan but are not 100% sure. I also thought he had a brother called Michael. In 1997 my wife, kids and I. visited Ashford,  but found out nothing.  I left it for 5 more years...  then, in 2002 wrote to every Gregan in County Wicklow. Got a phone call from a lady who gave me the following information.... that Tom was my father. She said he had moved to London (Poplar) and had 7 children (one died young) She said that TOM had died around 2000.  he had a sister ... Phyliss ?

    I don't know anymore...... what do you know ?

    Cheers Paul

    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 07:50PM
  • Dave...

    Certainly could be the same person...

    I sent the following to a local Wicklow newspaper hoping they would investigate...

    in 1955 Tom worked in the butchers in Ashford, Co Wicklow. My gran had gone there, from Birmingham, to ask him to come back. His family or Cousins owned / ran the butchers. I remember the name Gregan but are not 100% sure. I also thought he had a brother called Michael. In 1997 my wife, kids and I. visited Ashford,  but found out nothing.  I left it for 5 more years...  then, in 2002 wrote to every Gregan in County Wicklow. Got a phone call from a lady who gave me the following information.... that Tom was my father. She said he had moved to London (Poplar) and had 7 children (one died young) She said that TOM had died around 2000.  he had a sister ... Phyliss ?

    I don't know anymore...... what do you know ?

    Cheers Paul

    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 07:50PM
  • Dave...

    Certainly could be the same person...

    I sent the following to a local Wicklow newspaper hoping they would investigate...

    in 1955 Tom worked in the butchers in Ashford, Co Wicklow. My gran had gone there, from Birmingham, to ask him to come back. His family or Cousins owned / ran the butchers. I remember the name Gregan but are not 100% sure. I also thought he had a brother called Michael. In 1997 my wife, kids and I. visited Ashford,  but found out nothing.  I left it for 5 more years...  then, in 2002 wrote to every Gregan in County Wicklow. Got a phone call from a lady who gave me the following information.... that Tom was my father. She said he had moved to London (Poplar) and had 7 children (one died young) She said that TOM had died around 2000.  he had a sister ... Phyliss ?

    I don't know anymore...... what do you know ?

    Cheers Paul

    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 07:50PM
  • Hi pAul

    Yes think it's the same person. He died 2001 of lung cancer. He does have a sister called Phyllis . He had a brother but can't remember his name. My brother leam died at 17 years old. Tom was in construction and helped build Blackwell tunnel in poplar. There are 3 more brothers and 3 sisters.  If you want to get in contact leave us your no. I am 52. Not sure on some info re Birmingham but rest seems to be same?!

    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 08:58PM
  • Hi Paul & Dave

    Apologies for the delay in responding. 

    I will send a more indepth message tomorrow but my grandmother was Phyllis McDonald (nee Gregan) so therefore Phyllis was my  mother's mother so will sit down with my mother tomorrow and see if we can verify we're all talking about the same person and hopefully provide you both with some further information. May I just check have either of you met your father? Paul, I know you mentioned in your original post you hadn't but Dave did you ever meet him/know him?

    Will try my best to get another post up by tomorrow evening with some further info.



    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 11:10PM



    Hi cas

    Yes I lived with dad til  I was 16 but never spoke of Ireland or much of anything in general. Very quiet man. My brother and sister took him back to Ireland to meet Phyllis before he died. A neighbour told a story about when he worked in butchers . They brought back a book pictorial history of asford . I was told it was dad in it. 2 pictures and of your nan Phyllis?

    When he died 2 people  came over from Ireland to represent family.

    Do you live in Ireland?



    Tuesday 9th Jun 2015, 09:20AM
  • Hi Paul and cas

    Last msgs seem to have disappeared? Did you see them? Do we know if same person?

    Feel free to contact us if you want to talk! 07913606840



    Friday 12th Jun 2015, 09:05PM


    Hi cas 

    Do you have a contact no? Or email address as website didn't seem to be showing msgs?



    Sunday 14th Jun 2015, 08:22PM



    Hi cas

    Did you find out any further info? Could you get in touch please when you have a mo.

    Thanks Dave



    Thursday 18th Jun 2015, 09:43PM

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