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Need some guidance to get past a brick wall in my research.  In the 1901 census my great grandparents James Toman and Annie (Tipling) Toman are listed and long with their 4 children including Henry aka Harry my grandfather. Other names are James, Sarah Jane and Eliza.  I can not find any birth information on James and Annie's marriage other than Q1 1888 and therefore the names of their parents.  For James I can not find any information on his official date of birth which should be approximately 1859.

They were listed as being of the Moravian faith. I have a copy of a letter written by the Reverand of the Kilwarlin Church about my grandfather Henry.  Therefore I assume that they were members of that church.

James was a linen weaver. 

Other information included residence is Lisiadian.

I believe James and Annie both died in 1938 but I have no information about a burial place.

Thanks in advance for any information or guidance you are able to provide.

Thursday 7th Nov 2013, 02:43AM

Message Board Replies

  • If you order a copy of the 1888 marriage certificate, it should contain the couples fathers? names. That should answer one of the things you are trying to find out.

    You can order a photocopy from GRO Roscommon for ?4 per certificate. Put the place, year, quarter (where there is one), volume & page number on the application form (anywhere). You have to post or fax the form to them but they will e-mail the copy certificate to you if you wish. Tick the relevant box on the form.

    Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church (assuming the couple attended different churches) so that may be the place to look for the bride?s baptism and that of any siblings. Unless it was a registry office marriage, the church will be on the certificate.

    Griffiths Valuation for 1863 records a John Torman on plot 4d (a house, outbuildings and 1 acre of garden). The name is amended to Toman in 1864. The property changes to James Toman in 1887, so I?d guess that James? father was John.

    Births, deaths and marriages in Northern Ireland from 1.1.1922 onwards are not on-line anywhere.  If you want to get James & Annie?s death certificates, you need to contact GRONI who keep the records:

    James?s birth is too early to get a birth certificate. Birth registration only started in Ireland in 1864. You might find his baptism, if you know where he was baptised.

    There?s a copy of the Kilwarlin Moravian records held in PRONI, Belfast. They are not on-line and a personal visit is usually required to access them. This is what the records cover:

    MOR. Kilwarlin Baptisms, 1845-1902; marriages, 1845-53 and 1867-90; burials, 1846-1903; confirmations, 1845-1901; diaries, 1834-5 and 1845-98; register of members, c.1830-1844; committee minutes, 1844-66 and 1875-1900.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 7th Nov 2013, 08:09AM

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