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My Grandmother, Margaret Mary Nolan, was born in Listowel in Aug 1889. Her Father, David Nolan, was born around 1844-50 and died in 1919. He was a manager in Stack's Furniture and, according to my grandmother's stories, was the mayor of Listowel at one time (she also said he was in education). I'd love to know if that is true. I would like to locate any information on his side of the family - did he have siblings and are any of their decendants still in Ireland? All his childern left Ireland, three to America and one to Australia.

I'd also like to find any information on my great grandmother, David's wife. I have numerous conflicting names for her. My grandmother said her name was Maria Cowman de Courcey and she died in 1899. My Grandmother's sister, Mary Ellen Nolan, become a nun in Australia and on her death certificate it listed her mother's name as Mary Agnes Coman. From the on-line records of St. Mary's Church in Listowel, there are various names listed on the baptism records of my grandmother and her siblings for their mother - Connor, Conway, and possibly Cronin. I visited the church when I was in Listowel last year and looked at the original entry. The handwriting is very difficult to make out and the entry is written in Latin. It was transcribed as Connor but I could also interpret it as Courcey. Unfortunately I have been unable to locate any birth, death, or marriage records for David and Maria/Mary. While Nolan is a common name in County Kerry, Cowman/Coman/Coursey are not common names there. Do you know where here family might be from?

I think I've exhausted the on-line resources. I'm hoping a little local knowledge might help. Perhaps my grandmother was correct about her father being the mayor of Listowel (do any records exist?). I'd appreciate any help or furhter directions you can give me.

Gary O'Connell

Friday 4th Oct 2013, 02:45AM

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  • Hi Gary,

    Thank you for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of volunteers who hopefully may be able to assist or advise you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 12:34PM

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