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I am looking for help regarding the marriage of Helena Lane to James O'Connor.

The likely year would be around 1882/3. They were Catholics and I think that as there were a few "Lanes" living in Abbeyfeale,then it might be worth searching the parish records if poss. 

Can anybody help, please?!!

Diane Palmer

Monday 30th Sep 2013, 11:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    I checked  website for a record of your request but was unsuccesful.

    Then I checked which covers Kerry, this too turned up no record. As Abbeyfeale is located on Limerick / Kerry border, marriage in neighbouring parish in County Kerry

    I also gave the census a quick look but nothing obvious.

    Later in the week I will look again. In the mean time you could explore these sites for your relatives.

    Another site which may turn up something is


    Sorry I wasn't of more help. Good luck with your search.




    Tuesday 1st Oct 2013, 04:21PM
  • Many thanks for trying for me. I think I might have found something on the family search link you sent me. There is an Ellen Lane and a James O'Conner record (listed separately) in Limerick same quarter of same year 1882, same page number and same volume number, same film number and same folder number but I don't know how I can see for sure!! Do you know if I can order certificate copies on-line so that I can verify it. As I can't get to Dublin to the Records Office I am not sure how to go forward.

    Thanks for your help again.


    Friday 4th Oct 2013, 04:32PM

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