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About ten years ago a cousin visited Ireland and found the grave of a Gallahue ancestor in a cemetery next to the ruins of a church. Unfortunately she doesn't remember where it was located, except that she thought it was in County Limerick and there were high hills in the distance.  I'm attaching a couple photos taken at the time.


  Ireland Reaching Out -

Ireland Reaching Out -



I will be traveling to Ireland In late October, and hope to visit that cemetery.  I hope someone can offer advice about where it might be.  I think it might be near the towns of Anglesboro, Ballylanders or Galbally.  I think that because in reviewing Griffiths Valuation I found Gallahues (or variations of that surname) living in that area.

Thank you so much for your help!!

Louise Jones

Stillwater, Minnesota USA



Saturday 28th Sep 2013, 03:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Sir or Madam

             I live in the next village to Ballylanders . the main Pub in the village is owned by the Gallahue family which originally came from Anglesborough . I enclose their landline telephone no so that you may make contact with the family . 00 353 62 46644 . this no includes the international dial code so just get dialling . Just remember we are 5 hours ahead of EST.

                                                           Respectfully yours

                                                                    Eamon Moloney


    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 08:54PM
  • Dear Eamon,

    Thank you so much for your advice!  It's bit late to be contacting them today, but I'll call them tomorrow!


    Louise Jones

    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 10:06PM

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