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Searching for info on a Patrick Brennan, Killeevan townland of Racaulfield. He would be my GGGranfather.  He was a farmer and died between 1883-1899.  Wife's name unknown.  His children: Edward b. 1846-48 a Mary Ann b. 1848-53.

There was also a Michael, Rose, Kate and maybe a Patrick jr.,

Edward left for London early 1870s, married and died there.  Mary Ann also left for London early 1880s.

Edward is my GGrandfather, in 1908 receives a letter from Dooskey Newbliss, from Mary and Patrick Whelan. They write about Tom Glenn, John and Bernard Cleary, Michael Boyans (eligible for his pension) a Patrick O'Hare and Thomas Cleary.  These family names all from Killeevan and Newbliss area (Griffiths Valuation).  So led to believe that these were friends of Edward, from Racaulfield?

Can someone help with my search

Laura Brennan, Canada

Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 11:53AM

Message Board Replies

  • Racaulfield falls within the civil registration district of Clones. The only adult death for a Patrick Brennan, registered in Clones between 1883 and 1899 was for Patrick who died Apr ? Jun 1893, volume 3, page 77. Est year of birth 1807. So perhaps that?s your ancestor.

    You can order a photocopy from GRO Roscommon for ?4 per certificate. Put the place, year, quarter (where there is one), volume & page number on the application form (anywhere). You have to post or fax the form to them but they will e-mail the copy certificate to you if you wish. Put ?please e-mail to?..? clearly on the top of the form.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 02:30PM

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