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Hello Val - we are related by marriage in that I am Ann (Hereford, England), Kathy’s cousin - regards to all the family!  I’ve been researching the Lynch family tree for a while now and the Murphy’s are proving illusive - so many Murphys!  If you’ve not already found this info via other sources (or perhaps you have better or more accurate info) I have a copy of Patrick & Hanorah’s marriage certificate, although Hanorah’s name is difficult to read and looks to be Norah (Manning).  They married 5 February 1898 in Ballyferriter and the witnesses were Thomas Murphy (I’d like to think Patrick’s brother) and Patrick Lynch (who possibly was married to Ellen Martin, my ggrandparents).  Patrick Murphy’s father’s name is given as John Murphy, Fisherman, while Hanorah’s is given as Maurice Cahillane, Pensioner.  Patrick’s residence is given as Ballyroe - unfortunately his age is only given as “Full”.  I have found a John Murphy (although given as Murdhy!) married to Mary Connor in Ballyferrieter (6/8/1854) who had 8 children (all born Ballyroe between 1855/1878), one of whom was Patrick born 1/3/1857 which would make him 44sh/54sh in 1901/1911.  Again with so many Murphys to chose from it isn’t easy to connect the dots and unfortunately certificates don’t exist for pre-1864 births/marriages - Church records are good but not comprehensive so it’s difficult to get any cross referencing.  Hope this helps and if you do find more information, I’d love to hear from you.  Regards Ann Withers.



Saturday 17th Aug 2013, 08:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ann:

    You may want to post your comments on the original February 18th message posted by Val Forde to increase the likelihood that she will see the message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 18th Aug 2013, 12:22AM
  • My sincere apologies Ann. I have only just read your reply of August 2013. I had got a reply from a Michael Murphy from Tralee (great grandson of Patrick) and he pointed out your posting to me. I have a few bits and pieces but despite extensive trawls of the General Registration Office records in Abbey Street, Dublin, have not had much success. However I was trying different years and trying to guess date of birth, marriage etc. Now that you have given me the date of marriage I will try to find that entry in the next week or two and that may give me a lead to other details etc. If I do find anything of interest I could let you know by e-mail if you like. My e-mail address is:  By the way my eldest daughter is getting married on Saturday so I may not get to the G.R.O. this week but I am curious now and can't wait to do a bit of trawling through the records. Slan go foill, is mise, Val. 

    Sunday 2nd Nov 2014, 08:28PM

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