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Looking for  the family of great great grandmother Mary Dalton b1841-1851. She was the daughter of Michael Dalton and Mary Ryan. Mary and her brother Michael migrated to Australia c1864. Two other sisters also migrated to Australia. There is a posibilty that other members of the family went to USA. Can anyone help?


Mary used the name Mary Ann Agnes Dalton in Australia. The broad date of birth is because shipping records give dob as 1842, marriage records say she was 23 years in 1871 on her marriage to John Carlile making her b 1848. Her death record says she was 64 years in 1915 making her born 1851. Death records can be unreliable.

It is believed that the family came from Golden in Tipperary. Her brother Michael was b 1845 according to shipping records. Sisters Ellen bc 1837 and Sarah bc1836.

Denise Drury

Wednesday 7th Aug 2013, 05:51AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Denise,

    Thank you for your message.

    Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find information without a more specific place of origin. Most Irish record sources- church records, land records, census records- are based on specific locations. Until you know a specific location within Ireland, preferably a parish or placename, it may be difficult to do anything more with these records.

    Do you have any documentation pertaining to the family that mentions any place names in Tipperary at all? This can include wills, marriage/death records,census records, letters, diary entries etc.

    There are some places where you can search online, however these websites do not have complete collections: has a huge database of genealogical records including some church records for Ireland. have a large collection of Irish Church records, however you have to pay to use this site.

    Have you tried looking into the family?s emigration? Sometimes more infomation can be found at the port of arrival rather than that of departure. You may be lucky and find a place name here. For information on US immigration records check

    For Australia, The University of Woolongong has produced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrants of Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867 for New South Wales. These are useful for finding out an exact place of origin as well as parents' names.

    The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers at

    I did a search for Michael Dalton in Griffith?s Valuation. This is a property valuation survey that was carried out in IReland 1848-64. It doesn?t give any genealogical information but can sometimes be used to tie a person to a specific place. Here are the results that came back:

    Although, you cannot know for definite which is your Michael, at least these parishes may act as starting points if you have nothing else.

    Some other websites that may be helpful are:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:

    The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland

    South Tipperary Archives:

    Ireland Gen Projects:

    Genealogy Links:

    Remember to post any new information that you find here. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support




    Monday 12th Aug 2013, 02:25PM
  • Attached Files

    I too am trying to find the connections for Mary daughter of Michael Dalton that emigrated to Australia.

         my DNA testing shows I am linked through my GGGF James Dalton m Catherine Kanaugh(SP?) Tipperary. I believe that Michael's father and my James were brothers. John, son of James, emigrated to Chicopee/Hadley, Massachusetts. Michael to Australia.

    Any help in confirming these relationships would be appreciated. My family tree is on Ancestry, Kenny Family Tree.

    Also, some Australia connections have said they are from Golden, or the Abbey or Cloughleigh but we cannot confirm any of this.

    See attached file of all my Dalton matches in Australia and Canada.

    Mike  Kenny


    Sunday 22nd Apr 2018, 10:12PM
  • Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 12:19PM
  • Hi Mike,

    Thank you for sharing your information. I looked at the attatched file and the Mary Dalton you have that leads to Elizabeth Webb Hannan is also mine. Elizabeth Hannan has done quite a lot of research on the Dalton line. She has been to Golden in Tipparary. We had been in cotact quite a lot at on point but not so much lately. Another descendant Guy Dollman has been in touch. We are certain that our family came from Golden.

    It seems that the family did not migrate together apart from Michael and Mary. Unable to find much about Michael after he comes to Australia. Mary marries John Carlile (sometimes spelt Carlisle). They have several children but their sons die young and leave no offspring.

    I haven't done any DNA testing. Might be an interesting exercise.

    Denise Drury

    Denise Drury

    Tuesday 24th Apr 2018, 07:47AM

    I have been in touch quite a bit with Elizabeth Hannan. She has mentioned Guy but we have not exchanged info. I think we have our irish linkages down. I am in the US. We do not have the other Dalton connections i.e. eddie that she meet while in Golden resolved. Now wHere are you located ? Is Drury within Australia ? Do you come through the Carlises ? Mike




    Thursday 10th May 2018, 02:00AM
  • Hi Mike

    Drury is my married surname. My maiden name is Annells. This Drury line is from Lincolnshire, England. I understand that there are Irish Drury's but as far as we are aware not related. Yes I live in Australia, in fact South Australia in a small country town 200 kms or so from our capital Adelaide.

    Mary Ann Agnes Dalton married John Carlile in 1871 in Adelaide. They had 7 children that we are aware of. Altough someone said that there was an adpoted son too. Haven't found him. Michael James 1872-1894 died in a railway accident. Mary Agnes 1874-1937 single, Catherine 1875-1876, Alice Kate 1877 unable to find a death date for this lady but I think she married in 1898 to Joseph Donoghue. Ellen 1880-1921 married 1901 Bartholomew Conry, Sarah Elizabeth 1882-1942 married also in 1901 to Henry Thomas Conry brother to Bartholomew and Margaret Ann 1885-1952 married 1906 to Alfred Manning Webb. 

    Elizabeth Hannan's line is through Margaret, mine is through Sarah and Henry. Sarah and Henry had 7 children. Their 6th child Patricia was my Grandmother.

    Which branch of the Dalton line are you connected to. A lot of our information is sketchy.

    Regards Denise

    Denise Drury

    Friday 11th May 2018, 11:06AM
  • Okay that puts you squarely in the Michael Dalton Married Mary Ryan line along with Webb and Hannan.

    My chart is not that straight forward but it attempts to show that I am linked with three separate "Dalton lines" in Australia.

    1. Hord/Grist/Ingram through brothers John and William Dalton

    2. Hannan/Webb/Drury through brothers James Dalton and Joanna (John) Dalton one generation back

    3. O'connor leg possibly through James' wife Catherine Cavanaugh

    So DNA testing would confirm for you the validity of these matches for you. But be aware we are at the fringe of the test capability. For example, I match with John Webb but very weakly with Elizabeth Hannan even tho they are brothers and sister.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



    Saturday 12th May 2018, 01:28PM
  • Hi Mike

    Thank you for your reply. 

    I am aware tha DNA testing is still in its infancy. I have heard of other cases where the matches don't match quite as you would expect. 

    I am unable to source your tree on Ancestry as I don't have the world wide subscription only the Australia, Uk one. Stuck with this one as it covers most of my needs but it has its limitations.

    Michael Dalton and Mary Ryan had 6 offspring that I am aware of:-

    Patrick is reported to have gone to America

    Sarah (Australia) m John William Manning

    Ellen (Australia) m Samuel Paley

    Mary Ann Agnes (Australia) m John Carlile

    Michael (Australia) can't find any further information on him

    Alice reported to have gone to America.

    Mary and Sarah stayed in South Australia but Ellen move to New South Wales perhaps this is where Michael ended up.

    If you wish to write to me direct my email is


    Denise Drury

    Denise Drury

    Monday 21st May 2018, 07:05AM
  • Hi,

    Regarding Daltons from Golden, we have in our tree a William Francis Dalton of Golden who married a Mary Ann Ryan 8 Feb 1834 in parish of New Inn and Knockgraffon, Diocese of Cashel and Emly.  Perhaps Michael of Golden is a nephew of William.  Any information on the connection would be appreciated.

    Cathy Negrycz -


    Monday 10th Jun 2019, 05:09PM

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